A Bit Of Romance

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"How's your assignments going?" Isabella asked.

She found comfort by straddling my lap as she played around with my hair. It reminded me of the dream I had a few hours ago and tried my utmost best not to ravage her by squeezing her thighs every now and then. It was even harder to do so because she was wearing denim shorts that left little for my imagination.

I felt like an absolute creep but shoved those pervy thoughts to the back of my mind and tried focusing on her voice and her fingers against my scalp.

"Not too bad," I sighed "In fact, I'm already preparing for my end of year sculpture."

"Wow, already? Isn't that literal months from now?" She asked with suprise.

I wouldn't blame her.

To be exact it was still a whole 6 months from now. The reason why I was working on it so early was because it wasn't just going to be a small simple sculpture, it was going to be human size. I was putting myself up for the challenge considering I've only done small ones like animals and different parts of the body in awkward positions because I believed that 'art has many forms' which isn't a lie but the way I perceived it was very questionable.

In anycase, as a 'fairwell' and a 'goodluck on the rest of your journey as a sculptor' the University I'm attending will be hosting an art exhibition. All students are required to take part seeing as it will count for our final year mark. Some students dreaded it while others looked forward to it. Me on the other hand, I wasn't too sure how I felt about it nor was I bothered. But I guess the fact that I already started preparing for it shows that I'm actually looking forward to it.

"Mm, I know. But I wanna be prepared. Besides, I already have a few other things planned." I told her.

"Your photography?"

"Not just that. My parents are coming back from a vacation soon and they definitely won't leave me alone for a few weeks at most." I informed her.

"Your parents sound sweet, if only they knew how spoiled you act around me." She giggled and cupped my cheeks.

"Oh c'mon, I'm not that bad." I groaned in response and placed a kiss in the palm of her hand.

"If I remember correctly," she said with a raised brow "I believe I had to feed, a certain someone, literally." She finished, emphasizing on the 'feed' part.

"Tsk, just admit it, you liked when I act spoiled," I said and took hold of her wrists, "you never complained and accepted it with open arms", I leaned in and murmured against her neck, making sure my breath tickled her skin,"and not to mention," I whispered against her ear, "you like to spoil me" and took her earlobe between my teeth-


I pulled back when I heard the sound escaping from her lips and the way she bucked her hips. Isabella on the other hand, looked away in embarrassment as her cheeks turned pink, her bottom lip caught between her teeth.

"Let me go." she whispered, still avoiding my gaze and trying to let loose from my grip.

Of course I wasn't going to let her go just like that!

I quickly pushed her down on the couch and pinned both her hands above her head before she could process what was happening. She tried hiding her face behind her arm but I took hold of her chin and turned her head to face me. The only thing stopping me now was her eyes that were tightly shut.

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