A Date

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"You know what you gonna make?" Collin asked.

I raised a brow at his question as I wasn't sure what he was reffering to. Seeing my confusion, he sighed and took a chunk out of his chocolate bar.

"Your final sculpture, idiot. I'm sure you have something big planned."

His hazel eyes held a hint of curiosity as he smiled, waiting for my response.

"Well," I started off, "I'll admit, I do have something 'big planned' but I'm not telling you what it is. I'm sure you'll figure it out." I smirked when he let out a 'tsk', clearly disappointed that I wouldn't tell him what exactly I was working on.

"Your emphasis on 'big planned' just answered my question and I'm sure that my words are an understatement."

With the days flying by, the day of the art gallery was nearing. Some students were pumped up and looking forward to their sculptures being on display to the public while others just wish to get it over and done with. A few students, such as myself, have already started on their projects. Seeing as I have something rather big in mind, I decided to start of early. Another reason was because I didn't want to feel too pressurized as I had alot of other things in mind. Like the date I had with Isabella tonight.

Well, maybe not a date, considering I asked her if she wanted to accompany me to a restaurant that had recently opened. I spent quite some time with my parents and didn't see Casper nor Isabella for some time. Casper still managed to act as a prick up my ass by texting me non-stop about her crush and Isabella was simply confiding herself in her work. Suprisingly though, I had run into Rose. With our last encounter being with her running off in tears, I assumed she'd still be pissed off at me or simply expected an apology.

But that wasn't the case.

It's quite obvious that I've been avoiding her at all costs and she picked it up as well but decided to ignore it. Apparently she was on her way to meet someone. When I asked her who it was, she shoved it off by saying that she was on her way to meet a friend. I knew she was lying though, she was overdressed to simply be meeting a friend. As much as I hate to admit it, I knew her a little too well. Whenever she lied, she had a tendency to touch her ear and that's exactly what she did.

That being said, when I was about to walk away, she pulled me into a longing kiss. I didn't react and only froze up. After it ended, I watched her figure disappear into the distance. At that moment, I felt a slight 'pang' in my chest. I wouldn't describe it as being 'hurt' or some sorts. I couldn't decipher what it was but I knew I just hated it, causing me to rub away at my lips, trying to erase the kiss that Rose had placed there.

"Well, you're always full of suprises, I doubt I'd figure it out before the art gallery." Collin sighs, "Oh, by the way, who's the dude that Casper has been hanging out with?"

"Is he nerdy looking?" I inquire.


"Collin, I believe our dear wanna-be-player friend is finally settling down." I say in a sing-song.

Collin's mouth went agape with widened eyes as he looked at me. Next thing I knew, he burst out in a fit of laughter, tears trickled down his cheeks and his arms wrapped around his stomach as he couldn't contain himself. Passerbyers simply glanced at him with confusion and looked at him with judgemental stares.

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