The Photographer

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The ceremony went well.

To be honest, it felt more like a damn blur. I know it's quite disrespectful, but I didn't find anything really 'special' about it. To the exchanging of vows; exchange of rings and finally the kiss to end it off, none of it was entertaining. Not that it was supposed to be, but it wasn't something I envied. I tried imagining myself in a white dress standing there with my imaginary groom, my eyes will be glimmering with a so-called happiness my mother desperately wants me to experience. I tried, but I just felt a feeling I couldn't quite describe in the pit of my stomach. Of course, it wasn't envy, jealousy or any other feeling of 'wanting to be there' or simply wanting to experience something like that. I just couldn't quite put my finger on it.

Allistor was talking amongst the guests when the ceremony finally ended. Some of the guests were congratulating the newly wedded bride and groom. Both Fergus and Mariah looked quite happy as well. Mariah's fingers were entwined with Fergus's as they said 'thank you' to everyone congratulating them and wishing them 'all the best'. I wanted to congratulate them as well but I felt out of place. I knew that I didn't belong there by the few side-eyes I got from some of the people. I paid no mind to it and simply sat there and waited for some of the guests to leave before I could as well. I knew Allistor wanted to go to the after-party so I decided to call an Uber.

I got up after a while when most of the guests have already left. Just when I was about to step out of the door, I felt someone yank my wrist making me stop in my track. I turn around and meet blue-green eyes. My eyes start scanning her features and see that it was the photographer that I was curious about.

I take a gulp of air as I take in their features and realize that 'he' was in fact a 'she'. I glance down at her hand that was wrapped around my wrist and look back at her.

"Can I help you-"

"Let me take pictures of you." She states with determination etched in her voice.


I wasn't sure if I was overthinking, but it was like there was some kind of hope that lingered in her eyes.

What confused me was as to why she wanted to take pictures of me specifically. I mean, there's alot more attractive people around us at the moment and they seemed far more appealing then I do. So, why?

"Let me take pictures of you." She repeats with more confidence.

What the...

"Hell no." I reply with a raised eyebrow and yank my wrist from her grip. Before I could say anything else, a voice perks up.


The woman looks back at the voice that called, I do the same and see that it was Mariah walking towards us...or rather, to Luciel, with her dress hitched up in her hands.

"Mariah, congratulations." Luciel said with a small smile, revealing a dimple.


My eyes widen with what I just thought. Did I just think she's cute? The hell is wrong with me?

"I should thank you, if it wasn't for you this day would've turned to shambles." Mariah affirmed as she placed a hand on Luciel's arm with a smile, revealing pearly white teeth.

Luciel simply smiled in response but it didn't quite reach her eyes, it looked forced. I glance down and notice that her hand was in a fist to the point of her knuckles turning white. I look back up at Mariah and see that her eyes were on me with an unreadable expression.

"Isabella, I see that you've made it." She acknowledged putting up another smile, different to the one she gave Luciel that was more genuine.

"I couldn't exactly decline the invitation when the bride personally invited me, now could I? Congrats by the way, I wish you and Fergus all the best." I acknowledged.

A Photographer's Viewpoint Where stories live. Discover now