Called It

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I feel like cats have a mindset that they're superior to humans. And it probably has to do with their ancestors and Egyptians.When I woke up and opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was my cat's asshole. To make matters far worse, I had a throbbing headache and a bed smelling like vodka with the empty bottle next to me.

I really need to be more strict on myself when it comes to my drinking habits.

I groan in frustration as I got up and looked at the state of my room. My clothes were discarded and laying all over the oakwood floor. I kick them in one bundle and start rummaging in my jeans for my cellphone.

When I got it, it immediately started ringing.

Talk about coincidence. If I was still asleep I most likely wouldn't have heard it.

I look at the screen and see that it's a unknown number. I don't like unknown numbers...

I clear my throat and swipe the green button.

"Hello, Isabella speaking." I say as cheerily as I can.

"Hi, Isabella. It's Mariah." She replies monotonely.

Shit, don't tell me Claire actually 'reminded' her to invite me to her special day? Who am I kidding, of course she did! Why else would she call!?

"Mariah, hi. What'sup?" I reply.

I should've sounded more formal and give her a more 'etiquette' response, but I just want this call to end as soon as possible.

"Well, Claire told me to invite you to my wedding. If I knew you were so eager to come, I would've sent an invitation sooner." She said emphasising the 'told' part.

Fuck you and your wedding!

I know damn well why Claire wants me there. And not just her, a few other women as well!

For some unknown reason, my female co-workers absolutely hate me. Eversince the first day I started working in the law firm, they would always try and make me run errands for them. Of course, I always replied with a simple 'no' and said that they should do it on their own. They thought that since I'm a new employee, I would want to make a good first impression on them. Another thing that made them have a grudge against me was when Allistor –the hot guy in our firm–started talking with me. The guy only approached me because he wanted to be friends. At first, I thought it was weird and told him head-on that I'm not interested in a relationship. He laughed at my remark and said that he wasn't interested in me in that way and that he simply likes my guts, he also mentioned that I seemed like a 'chill person'. We started hanging out quite alot and found out that we had similar interests. At a later stage, he told me that he was in fact gay and has a boyfriend of seven years.

The whole purpose of me attending this wedding is to make me jealous. How exactly are they going to get that right?

I have absolutely no idea...

"You didn't have to... " I reply through gritted teeth while trying to sound as cheerily as possible as when I picked up the phone.

"Claire kept on insisting that I make sure to invite you. I didn't even have your number so you wouldn't imagine to what lengths I had to go through in order to get it. I expect to see you this Saturday since I, the bride, has formally invited you." She states and ended the call.

Formally my ass, you're basically threatening me to be there!

If I don't show-up, people are going to start pointing fingers at me and calling me 'heartless'( I don't mind being called that, it'll give people a hint to stay out of my business).

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