The Old Routine

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"Ms Campbell, please calm down I-"

"Calm down?! You're supposed to be on my side for Christ's sake! You know what? Let this be the last time we ever speak, I'll find someone else-"

Before she could finish her sentence, I ended the call and let out a long dramatic sigh as I leaned into the comfort of my office chair.

"You look like shit-"

"Allistor get the fuck outta my face."


I heard his footsteps retreating letting me out another sigh of sheer annoyance. I was glad he was aware that I wasn't in the moods for his jokes at this time which made me want to thank him. Knowing him, he was itching to pull some shit but would rather stay on the safe zone than face my wrath that I Oh so wished to unleash. But that wouldn't be appropriate, now would it?

It wasn't that I was annoyed with Allistor per say, it was my client. For the past week I've been acting on my best behaviour to put up with her attitude but my patience was slowly slipping away. She wasn't co-operative and I was on the verge of just letting her do whatever the hell she wants  but once again, that wouldn't be professional. I'll most likely come into deep shit for ending the call midsentence but I can deal with that later. God knows what I would spout to shut her up.

"Join me for a smoke?" Mariah asked.

"I don't smoke."

"Then join me for some 'fresh air' instead."

Taking up on Mariah's offer, I begrudgingly got up from my chair and followed her to the smoking area.
I watched as she lit up a ciggarette and inhale the smoke.

"Wanna vent?" She asked.

"Trust me, if I did you wouldn't hear the end of it."


Thinking about her question, I gave in. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to get a little advice?

Mariah and I have gotten closer eversince she told me about her and Eleanor's situation. Although, we wouldn't call or text each other to know how the other was doing and would only talk at work. Such as now, whenever we found ourselves in a sticky situation we confide in eachother. I guess you could say it's the same relationship I have with Lesley? Using each other as our trump cards.

"Hate to say it but my client is an absolute bitch." I hum.


I eyed the ciggarette that rested between her lips and let my intrusive thoughts win by snatching it from her and taking a long drag.

Mariah said nothing and only got another ciggarette out of her pack, lighting it up in silence as I watched the smoke dissipate in the air.

"She's not co-operating. I mean, she's the one who hired me and of course I have to help her make the best decisions that would benefit her. But I guess all the money she has went to her head, now she thinks she can treat everyone else like shit." I explained and take another long drag.

I didn't like the taste of ciggarettes but I'll admit that it does act as a type of reliever.

"Just be blunt with her when you see her again, lay your cards out. Whatever she decides will be up to her, besides you already got paid up front might as well use that as an advantage too."

"I know."

"If you already figured it out why do you still look like that?"

"It's nothin'." I say and toss the cigarette but on the ground and stomp on it before heading back inside. I heard Mariah let out a scoff at my lie but said nothing as she continued smoking.

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