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A few months later...

Today felt 'off' for some reason, I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

To be frank, today was the exhibition. I knew I wasn't nervous as I already finished my sculpture a week prior. In fact, I was one of the few people who had submit their projects beforehand. Students were required to do so because teachers as well as the workers needed to put everything on display for the public the day before.

As I was sipping on my coffee, I heard a distant thunder. I looked out the window and saw that the sun was hidden behind clouds, looking heavy with rain.

It was only 8 in the morning so it'll probably rain by the time I go out by the door which would be at 10am.

Rather than being safe than sorry, I decided to ring up Collin for a lift.

"Hello?" The other end sounded groggy.

Crap, he was still sleeping.

"Hey, uhm, do you mind picking me up later? It looks like it's gonna pour by the time I set foot outside."

"Yeah sure, it's 8:35 now so I'll probably be there by 9:30. I wanna catch a couple more z's, I have a terrible hangover."

"It's cool, thanks man"

"No problemo, see you later."

Knowing that Casper was still fast asleep and was an absolute prick if woken up early, I decided to head to the shower and call her later.

After I finished up, I wore a pair of black ripped denim jeans and a white long-sleeved shirt, leaving the first two buttons undone and the cuffs brought up to my elbow. For accessories, I wore the Rolex watch Isabella gifted me along with a pair of black stud earrings. I left my hair loose and only tucked a few strands behind my ears. As for the shoes, I was about to wear sneakers but recalled that my mother would be there too. So, I changed my mind and decided on dress shoes.

After final adjustments and a couple of spritz of cologne, I headed to my living area but paused in front of my studio. It was an extra room but was too spacious to use as a bedroom so I decided to use it as my working place. Leaning on the doorway, I observed the room.

A few months ago, Isabella and I had another photography session. Or what was supposed to be a photography session turned into a full make-out session and eventually to us screwing. Everything was as I had set up; a black backdrop, a white two-seater couch, and an equally white fluffy rug. It was simple but it looked pretty good for a last-minute setup.

Because I wasn't going to have another photography job for a good while, I left it as is. Coincidentally, Isabella also seemed to be getting more busier with work than usual after our last one which puzzled me.

I was aware she was hardworking and often worked at ungodly hours but it got to the point where I could barely even get a glimpse of her, I even went as far as getting an Uber to her place. When I arrived, she was a bit surprised to see me but greeted me and welcomed me with a smile. After taking in her appearance, I immediately became worried. What concerned me was that she had visibly lost weight and had dark circles surrounding her eyes.

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