Not Like Before

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"C'mon, please?" Allistor pleaded.

"I'm sorry, but the what the fuck are we talking about?" Jonathan stepped in and placed a glass of juice on the coffee table and proceeded to seat himself on Allistor's lap.

"Mariah," Allistor answers and rests his head on Jonathan's shoulder, "Belle doesn't wanna tell me what happened between Mariah and her husband."

"It's not my place to say. And besides, all that shit you heard about her having a fight with Fergus was a lie conscripted by someone to stir up gossip," I tell him, "Which means, I win our bet by default." I say with a smirk and lean back into the comfort of the couch.

"Oh fuck off." He murmured into Jonathan's shoulder with eyes of a predator trained on its next hunt.

I only show him my middle finger in return with a wider grin to piss him off.

"Christ's sake, is there ever a day you two act like actual adults?" Jonathan grumbled with sigh and gets up from Allistor's lap, walking over and making himself comfortable next to me.

I lay my head down on his lap and watched as Allistor's face turned from annoyed to disbelief. He let out a 'tsk' but didn't say anything and grumbled something under his breath before gulping down the orange juice, which was meant for me might I add.

This asshole.

Jonathan doesn't tolerate his bullshit, so even if he were to put up a fight or question him about why he suddenly decided to get up from his embrace, he'll only be met with a cold stare.

"Enough about this Mariah, whoever she is. What's going on in your life? Heard anything from Lesley yet?" Jonathan asks as he fiddled with the ends of my hair.

I closed my eyes in thought and think back on a couple of weeks ago.

"He phoned me a couple weeks ago. And as you're already aware, it was regarding money." I say with a huff.

"The hell does the guy even do for a living?" Allistor asks.

"Don't know, don't care." I reply.

"How about your mom? When last did you see her?"

Come to think of it, it's been a while since I've heard from her. Not that she goes out of her way to contact me or anything but the way we left things off the last time we saw each other didn't exactly sit right with me. I'm sure it's the same on her side but because she doesn't want to admit she was wrong for slapping me, she won't contact me, I guess in some way it will hurt her pride. Besides, when she does contact me it would be every couple of months, meaning if I didn't show-up out of my own accord, she couldn't give two shits. Although, I think it's safe to say that she won't be pulling the same thing again after the backlash she received from me.

"Quite a while." I answer.

Not wanting to talk about the witch any longer, Jonathan started talking about some of his students. I listened attentively to the number of different personalities he described of each of his favourite students. He talked about how it still suprises him that there was so much different people with different hobbies and tastes all together in one class.

One that caught my attention was a boy named Nathan. Apparently he was talented in drawing and was always quiet, sketching away in class. Even if there was a lesson given, his head would always be ducked down with his hand scribbling away. Seeing as it didn't affect his schoolwork, Jonathan didn't mind and let him do as he pleases.

Nathan reminded me of Luciel. Of course, it was to do with his interest in drawing.

As if hearing my thoughts, Allistor asked:

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