Author's Note

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Yeah, not gonna lie, this took longer than it was supposed to ;-;. Sorry bout that.

Anyways, 'A Photographer's Viewpoint' finally ended!

Honestly, my mental health has been complete shit in the making of this story (yay 'fatherly' issues). I didn't, really have motivation to write much which explains why my updates were so slow.

I'll be taking a break from starting on my next story, 'Sickeningly Sweet'. It will be an omegaverse for those who are curious. I already started working on characters along with the plot and will have it released along with a few chapters after I finish my exams or maybe in a couple weeks, I don't know. Just expect the unexpected('-_-).

For those of you who have read on 'The Dirty Affair' and wondering about the twin's story, I'll start on that once I finish 'Sickeningly Sweet'. I already have the plot and all that planned for them, so stay tuned for that.

As for APV, the story took a major turn. It didn't end the way I initially wanted to end (and no I wasn't gonna let someone die) but either way I'm glad it's come to a close. My favourite character throughout the story would probably be Casper as I kind of based her personality of from mine. I don't know what else to say about APV, so yeah that's about it.

I am once again grateful to my readers and everyone who managed to have the patience with my crappy update schedule. If you could even call it that.

And one more thing, please do read the tags of stories people('-_-). I read a couple comments of TDA and quite a few people were unaware that Violetta was intersex.

Anyways, here's a Rose for a beautiful soul:🌹

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Anyways, here's a Rose for a beautiful soul:🌹

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