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Hephaestus, one of the twelve Olympian Gods.

The Goddess Hera, his mother, was unable to nourish him and cast him out Olympus all because of his looks. This resulted to Hephaestus limping. Hephaestus fell into the sea where he was discovered by Nereids and was raised by them. As he grew older, he became a famous craftsman and had set up his own workshop on Mount Etna in Sicily. He was skilled and made works of art of peerless beauty. Hephaestus once made a golden throne and had it sent to his mother. As soon as Hera sat down on it, she was bound by invincible chains that couldn't be untied by anyone. They tried to persuade Hephaestus to rid of the chains, but only succeeded after they had gotten him drunk.

I look up from the silver plaque and study the statue behind it.

What seemed to be Hephaestus, was seated on a large anvil, staring into the distance. In one hand, he had a hammer while the other rested on his creations. Such as his helmet and other equipment he used as a blacksmith. What I truly found amazing was the detail in his hair and facial features, as well as the linen draped over his leg.

It was truly magnificent.

The man really was something. To think, he'd go as far as creating a throne for the woman who birthed him with ill intention. I don't blame him though, she did throw him out all because he was considered 'ugly'. This must've led to Hephaestus holding a grudge on her for years. Not to mention the other Gods that didn't seem to disagree with Hera's action. I only wonder how she felt as a mother discarding her own son.

"How long are you going to stare at this...thing?" Rose asks as she takes hold of me, clearly uninterested and restless by how her grip on my arm tightened.

"I told you," I start of, unlatching her hold from my arm "you didn't have to come with me. Leave if you want, I still need to visit Casper after this anyway."

She let out a 'tsk', mumbling something incoherent and looking around, the booklet in her hand crumpled with frustration as she gripped on it.

We both knew she wasn't one bit interested in the things I was. I told her beforehand that I'll be visiting the museum, knowing that she won't exactly enjoy it. Even so, she basically forced to come with me and 'promised' that she wouldn't bother me. Yet here she was, huffing and puffing as if I dragged her along against her own will.

"I'll go with you." She states with a huff and folded arms.

"You're coming with me to see Casper?" I retort as I glanced down at her with a raised brow.

Casper and Rose absolutely hate each other which is why I always hangout with them separately. Whenever I mention Rose when I'm with Capser, she literally gags as a way of showing her uninterest. And whenever I mention Casper in front of Rose, her mood instantly drops and she starts talking about how Casper is an absolute 'bitch'.

"Yes." She replies with gritted teeth, clearly hating the idea.

So fucking persistent.

Well, Casper will definitely ignore Rose like the plague. The two made it quite obvious that they weren't fond of eachother. I already tried to get them on the same boat but unfortunately said boat didn't go smooth sailing.

When we arrived at the bakery, I glanced back at Rose only to see her looking at the store with confusion.

"She works here." I state as I open the door and step aside so she can go in first.

I glance at the counter and see Casper already looking baffled and mouthing a 'what the fuck' to me. Rose didn't seem to notice this as she took in the interior of the bakery. I close the door the door behind me and walk up to the counter.

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