Do What Feels Right

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"I mean, he is pretty cute..." Casper admitted, a pink hue overtaking her cheeks. She took the last swig of the can and placed it along with the others.

"Aww, look at you blushing." I point out and chuckle when she rolled her eyes at me.

Apparently she started getting interested in someone who was crushing on her. It took some time for her to realize that she liked the guy as well and was completely dumbfounded when she experienced certain things. Like how her heartbeat quickened whenever he was near, how she looked forward to seeing him, the way she felt comfortable around him and all of those other cheesy stuff. It was cute to see her blush at the mere thought of him. She didn't mention any of this while Luciel was awake as she she didn't want to get picked on by her. Luckily, Luciel was out cold and wouldn't even wake up to an earthquake according to Casper.

My focus than averted back to Luciel who was fast asleep with her head resting on my lap. I smiled as she wrapped an arm around my waist and let out soft snores. I continued running my fingers through her hair let out a content sigh.

"So, when are the two of you gonna start dating?"

I look up at her Casper and see her looking at Luciel's sleeping figure.

Dating... I haven't done that in a while.

Hearing no response from me, Casper continued, "Isabella, you do realize Luciel likes you right? Even a fool would notice."

"I know"

"And? How do you feel about her?"

"....I think we both know the answer to that." I murmured.

I didn't have to say it out loud or hint at it as it was obvious like day and night, even a stranger would see. Whenever I'm around her I feel like my worries instantly fade away and my only focus is her and nothing but her.

"Then tell me, what exactly is stopping you two from dating?" Casper asked, this time her eyes were on me.

"Seriously? Isn't it quite obvious?"


I nodded in response and finished the remainder of my drink and focused on the thick strands of hair running through my fingers.

Luciel had told me that her and Rose were in a relationship that only consisted of sex and nothing more. I've ran into Rose a couple of times before Luciel and I's relationship deepened and turned to what it is now. As time went by, I haven't heard about Rose or seen her at all. And because of that, I felt relieved but guilt settled alongside the feeling of peace.

"Just so you know, Luciel hasn't slept with Rose eversince she met you."

I paused as I took in Casper's words and look up to her.


"You heard me." Casper said with a smile, "Eversince she met you at that wedding she didn't even bother contacting Rose, even went as far as avoiding her at all costs-"

"Casper where exactly are you going with this?" I asked impatiently.

Casper's eyes lingered on me, holding a calculating gaze,"Let's just say I'm sick and tired of seeing the two of you playing the game cat-and-mouse."
With that, she got up with a hint of a smile, said a simple 'bye'. My eyes remained on her retreating figure till she was no longer in my view; the sound of the door opening and closing drifting down the corridor.

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