The Worst Criminal In History

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San x Seonghwa

Seonghwa sits at his desk, drinking his piping hot tea and reading the recent report his boss gave him.

A knock is heard at the door and a familiar head pop in.

"So I heard boss gave you the case everyone's been frothing at the mouth for." his favourite co-worker sings.

"Come take a look at this Mingi-yah," he says, keeping his eyes on the folder's contents.

Mingi makes his way over to Seonghwa's desk, sitting down on the edge. His eyes scan the papers and his eye double in size when they fall onto the suspect's criminal record report.

"How the Hell does a 23-year-old get in trouble that often?" he questions.

"It says he confessed in an interrogation, the last time he was imprisoned, that he's the leader of the Korean sect of the White Rose gang. They have headquarters all over East Asia."

"I could never live with myself if I had that much blood on my hands, I mean like we could play bingo with the number of different crimes he's committed! Murder, drug trafficking, smuggling contraband, holding people for ransom, DUIs, my gosh!" Mingi reads.

"Yeah," Seonghwa pauses to take another sip of his tea, "I'm not gonna waste any time with this waste of oxygen."

Seonghwa picks up everything he'll need and begins walking over to the interrogation room, where Choi San is currently waiting.

He stands in front of the two-way mirror, observing San before he begins the interrogation. The only things in the room are two fold-out chairs, a steel table, and San himself.

He takes a deep breath before heading inside the interrogation room.

"Hello Mr. Choi, I am Detective Park, the one who will be conducting this investigation" he states.

San's eyes falter down to Seonghwa's name badge: Park Seonghwa.

San doesn't say a word.

"You are the worst criminal in history, give me one reason not to kill you," Seonghwa seethes as he slams his hands down on the metal table.

"Okay. You probably won't believe me, but... I agree with you, I deserve to die." San smirks as he leans back in his chair -- as much as he can with his wrists chained in the middle of the table.

"Mr. Choi, do you realize to what extent of damage you've caused in your pathetic excuse of a career?" Seonghwa asks in disgust.


"It's Detective Park to you!" he sneers.

San chuckles before continuing, "Don't get me wrong, my last spree was one of my proudest moments, aside from getting caught, but you asked me to give you one reason you shouldn't kill me and I don't have one. This isn't my first rodeo with you pigs, I've had many of my friends and family killed by you and your silly little partners! My mother did nothing to deserve that! I mean, like, breaking down my parents' front door because some friend of yours tipped your team off that I was in the area? I wasn't even in the doggone home and they decided to shoot my mom because she wasn't giving your any of your mates, any information! So go ahead Seonghwa... kill me." he spits, the venom in his voice is highly potent.

Seonghwa just stands there, staring ice-cold daggers into San. The only sound to be heard is the heavy breathing coming from the two men. Not one of them blink.

Seonghwa's not stupid. He knows that even if he legally could, if the rest of the gang were to find out that he did kill San -- right here, right now -- that he'd be risking the lives of himself and everyone he knows. He sits in his chair, staying as far away from San as possible.

"Do you think I'm seriously that stupid? You're facing being sentenced to death! All I need is a confession from you and you're no longer my problem. So--"

"Yes, yes, yes, and... yes." San interrupts, rolling his eyes.

Seonghwa's forced to take a deep breath so he can keep his professional composure.

"Just to be absolutely sure, you are confessing to illegally smuggling over ₩ 1,000,000,000 worth of drugs into Korea? You're confessing to an attempt to distribute the aforementioned drugs? You're confessing to resisting arrest? You're confessing to ordering your goons, or whatever you call 'em, to kill the three officers that tried to arrest you?"

"Congratulations, you're so smart Seonghwa!" San patronizes.

"Again, it's Detective Park to you," Seonghwa grunts through his teeth, "I'm out of here. Someone will come get you from your cell later to tell you your trial date."

Seonghwa hastily stands up, almost knocking the chair over. He takes one last hard glance at the smirking San. He grimaces and yanks the heavy door open, knuckles turning white at the strength of his grip on the handle, and leaves.

"Gosh, I doubt that sad sack of coal is gonna be bossing anyone around in solitary confinement." he whispers to himself after he leaves the room.

Mingi's still in Seonghwa's office when he arrives,

"Woah, it looks like that case did a number on you Hyung. Would you like one of my famous Mingi Massages?"

"Ugh, that'd be great Mingi" he groans as he plops himself in his cozy desk chair, eyes closing in content as Mingi begins working on his neck and shoulders.

"Like I know this guy is a criminal, so I shouldn't expect much from him, but he doesn't even have respect to call me by my title! He saw this stupid badge and wouldn't stop saying Seonghwa blah blah blah, Seonghwa la la la! No honourifics either! If one of his dongsaengs were to talk to him like that he'd probably have their head on a stake by the next morning, that selfish low-life!" he rants.

"Wow, I mean if the Detective Park is this worked up over this case, imagine how the others would fair!" Mingi laughs.

"Don't flatter me Mingi-yah," he smiles, becoming more relaxed by the minute.

"Ugh, I am not looking forward to the case report I have to write about this disrespectful little delinquent."

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