Not So Safe

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San x Wooyoung x Yeosang

San loved performing more than anything else in the world, and his love for music and dance had always been a driving force in his life. Ever since he was a child, he had been drawn to the stage, and the feeling of being consumed by the music, the crowd, the movement — it was like nothing else he had ever experienced. But even with all that passion, there were times when the joy and excitement of performing could give way to fear and doubt. There were days when the pressure to succeed, the endless work and practice, the fear of failure, and the knowledge that every move, every note, was being judged by an unforgiving audience, all felt like too much to bear. Yet every time he stepped onto that stage, every time he danced with his teammates, every time he sang his heart out and the crowd went wild, he was reminded of why he loved performing so much. And with Wooyoung and Yeosang by his side, he knew he could conquer anything.

Wooyoung had always been the type of person to let his emotions take control of him. He was passionate and intense. He wore his heart on his sleeve, and he had always been able to express himself freely, no matter what the situation. But lately, he had been struggling with his feelings towards San, his closest friend and bandmate. His anger at San had been rising like a storm, and he couldn't figure out why. It was almost as if something inside him was pushing him to be angry at San, something that was outside of his control. And no matter how hard he tried to push it away, it kept creeping back up, reminding him of his inner turmoil. He didn't want to feel this way towards his friend, but he couldn't help it. He was torn between his feelings of anger and his feelings of love and loyalty towards San, and it was tearing him apart.

Yeosang had always been known for being the more reserved and introspective type. He was a good listener and had always been there for his friends when they needed someone to talk to. He had always been a good mediator, able to navigate any conflict with a level head and a rational mindset. But lately, he had found himself feeling helpless, as he watched the two people he cared about most become consumed by their own emotions. San's passion and devotion to his craft were a source of great admiration for Yeosang, but he had also seen the toll it had taken on him, both physically and emotionally. And Wooyoung's anger towards San was a source of great concern for him, as he saw the way it had been consuming him, slowly but surely. He feared that if they didn't figure out a way to resolve their issues, they would all be on a path of destruction.


Today is a dress rehearsal for their upcoming concert and stress for all is at an all-time high.

On stage Wooyoung has his fists clenched at his sides. The sound of the music drowning out everything else in the room, but he can still hear San's voice, singing off-key and out of sync with the rest of the band. His anger's rising, and he can feel his face getting hot with frustration.

"San, what the hell are you doing?" he shouts over the music, his voice cutting through the rest of the band with a loud echo. "We've been practicing this song for weeks, and you're still not getting it right!"

His anger is starting to boil over now, and he can feel his blood practically boiling beneath his skin. He doesn't care if anyone else hears him, he just wants to make sure San knows how he feels, even if it means letting his emotions get the best of him.

"San, you're supposed to be the lead vocalist! Yet, you're always messing up, and all of us have to pick up the pieces! I'm sick of it, I'm sick of you! You're holding us back!" Wooyoung screams, his face is red with anger. He knows his words are harsh, but he can't stop himself. He's too angry to feel sorry.

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