La Vie dans la Mort

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Hongjoong x Seonghwa

Park Seonghwa stood in the middle of a vibrant field, surrounded by blossoming flowers and flourishing trees. As the Spirit of Life, it was his duty to bring new living things into the world, to nurture and care for the beauty that adorned the earth. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, and the soft hum of life resonated through the field.

Unbeknownst to Seonghwa, Kim Hongjoong, the enigmatic Spirit of Death, observed him from a distance. Hongjoong's presence cast a subtle shadow over the lively scene as he stood on the edge of the meadow. His gaze was both curious and solemn, recognizing the stark contrast between his realm and Seonghwa's.

Seonghwa gracefully moved through the field, his fingertips brushing over petals, coaxing life to bloom where there was once only potential. Each touch sparked vibrant colors and whispered promises of a new beginning. Crouching down beside one flower who's having a bit of a hard time growing, smiling down at it as he watched it slowly bloom.

But the weight of his duty wasn't lost on him; the responsibility to sustain life definitely came with its own set of burdens...

Hongjoong took a hesitant step forward, drawn to the ethereal display of life unfolding before him. The rustle of his dark garb blended with the gentle breeze, a stark contrast to the lively symphony orchestrated by Seonghwa in the distance.

"What are you doing?" Hongjoong's voice reached Seonghwa's ears.

Startled, Seonghwa turned his head to find the Spirit of Death watching him with a blank expression.

Seonghwa's eyes widened slightly at the unexpected visitor, but he quickly composed himself, offering a warm smile to the enigmatic figure before him.

"I'm tending to the flora," Seonghwa replied, his voice carrying a soothing melody that seemed to blend seamlessly with the soft rustle of leaves and the gentle chirping of birds.

Hongjoong's gaze flickered across the vibrant landscape, his expression unreadable, "You're helping the flower grow?"

Seonghwa nodded, his fingers gently caressing the petals of a delicate bloom as he spoke, "Yes. Each touch encourages life, fostering the beauty of the world. Coaxing nature to reveal its wonders."

Hongjoong took another step closer, his dark eyes narrowing as he observed the intricate magic of life unfolding before him, "Why?" he asked again, his tone carrying a hint of skepticism.

Seonghwa's smile remained gentle, "Because I am a Spirit of Life. It's my duty to bring forth new beginnings, to nurture the fragile existence that graces this world."

"I see," Hongjoong mutters, pausing for a moment before continuing, "My name is Hongjoong. I'm a Spirt of Death."

"I know about your kind," Seonghwa admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

"You do?" Hongjoong asks with a cocked eyebrow.

Seonghwa nodded silently, continuing to pet the flower's silky petals.

Seonghwa's nod was slow and deliberate, his gaze fixed on the delicate life beneath his fingertips, "Of course," he replied, his voice as soft as the flower before them.

Hongjoong observed Seonghwa with a newfound curiosity, intrigued by the calm acceptance that resonated in the Spirit of Life's words.

"Do you hate me? For what I do."

His voice is calm, so different from the stories Seonghwa heard about Spirits of Death, that they would kill without hesitation.

Seonghwa's fingers paused in their gentle caress, his gaze lifting to meet Hongjoong's. There was no fear in his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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