Comeback Calamity

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Seonghwa x ATEEZ

For the past few days, Seonghwa has been pushing himself extra hard, as per the demand of ATEEZ's manager. As a result, his health begins to decline rapidly. He woke up this morning with a burning sensation in his chest every time he takes in a breath. His chest feels like it's weighted down with a lead vest, making it difficult to take a full, satisfying breath. His muscles ache, he's light-headed, and his throat is drier than the Sahara desert.

He's exhausted after a restless night of on-and-off coughing fits and an uncomfortable fever. His chest is tight and his throat is raw from his barking cough. He tries to take a deep breath, but the air feels cold and sharp in his chest, making him cough again. He's dizzy and weak, and just getting out of bed feels like a monumental task. He can't stop coughing, sneezing, and sniffling, and his aching muscles feel like jello.

Finally getting out of bed, Seonghwa struggles to make it through his shower.

The hot water provided temporary relief, easing his aching muscles and clearing his congested sinuses. But as the amount of hot steam in the room grew, the lack of oxygen becomes suffocating, threatening to pull him unconscious.

He manages to complete his shower sitting down, but even the simple act of getting out and drying himself felt like an insurmountable task. Each movement drained what little energy he had left, leaving him gasping for breath, coughing and sniffling uncontrollably. His nose is running like a faucet.

As Seonghwa's shaking, towel-clad body collapsed onto his bed, his frame wracked with dry coughs. His muscles burned at the thought of having to get up again to get dressed. But he's oh so cold and desperately seeks the warmth of a sweater and thick sweatpants.

The discomfort of being naked eventually overgrew the desire to stay in bed.

Seonghwa reluctantly rolls out of bed, shuffling over to his closet. Despite the warm weather outside, he yearns for the comforting embrace of familiar clothing that brings him a sense of security in this challenging time.

He pulls out a large black hoodie, its oversized form offering a shield from the world and a semblance of comfort. Seonghwa slips it over his head, feeling the soft fabric envelop him like a protective cocoon.

He then retrieves the sky-blue cargo sweatpants, their loose fit providing a sense of freedom and ease. He pulls them on, relishing in the comfort they offer as they drape over his tired legs.

To complete his cacoon of warmth, Seonghwa grabs the off-white fleece jacket. Despite the warmth outside, he can't shake off the chills that persist within his weakened body. He slips his arms through the sleeves, embracing the plush lining that provides a gentle warmth against his skin.

Standing before the mirror, Seonghwa gazes at his reflection.

Seonghwa's usually vibrant features were now marred by the unmistakable signs of illness. His complexion, typically radiating with warmth, had turned pale, lacking its usual healthy glow. Shadows of fatigue and discomfort etched themselves beneath his eyes, portraying the restless nights he had spent battling his symptoms.

His once sparkling eyes, known for their expressive nature, now appeared dull and glassy, their luminance diminished by the weight of his fatigue. The spark of energy that usually danced within them seemed dimmed, replaced by a weariness that mirrored the toll his illness had already taken on his body.

The lines of his face were etched with exhaustion, his features softened by the weariness that enveloped him. His cheeks, normally rosy with vitality, now appeared sunken and drawn, highlighting the toll his weakened state had exacted. Even his smile, a signature expression that charmed fans and fellow members alike, was muted.

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