Photograph Me Like One Of Your Korean Boys

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Yunho x Mingi

"Good morning class! Today we have a new student joining our class! Yunho, why don't you introduce yourself?" Mingi's photography teacher, Mr. Lee, announces to all the sleepy students.

"Hello, my name is Jeong Yunho. I just moved here from Gwangju and I'm really interested in the arts."

"Fantastic! You can take a seat next to..." Mr. Lee says as he looks for any empty seats,

"Next to Mingi!" he smiles once he spots the seat beside Mingi vacant.

Mingi's eyes don't leave his computer even when Yunho sits down beside him, too busy editing his newest photo.

"Woah! That looks so cool!" Yunho excitedly shouts at his seatmate.

Mingi jumps at the sudden noise.

"O-oh... th-thank you," he breathes, trying to calm his now racing heart. Call him over dramatic but he's just easily startled.

"Alright class, for today's new assignment, you will be pairing up with one other person and doing portrait shots!" Mr. Lee continues — way too excited for 8 in the morning.

Yunho and Mingi simultaneously turn their heads to look at each other.

"Do you want to be my partner?" Mingi asks.

"Sure!" Yunho smiles, his cheeks still pink from his walk to school.

The two boys go up to the front of the classroom to grab themselves a camera to share, an SD card, and a tripod.

"Follow me, I know a great spot," Mingi says, looking over his shoulder at Yunho.

Yunho nods, following Mingi like a puppy on a walk.

The boys walk in comfortable silence until they get to Mingi's destination: the football field.

"So what do you want me to do?" Yunho asks.

"Do you know how to climb trees?"

"Yes. Why?"

"I want you to climb until you get to that spot that looks like a Y. While you do that I'll set up the camera."

"Yes sir!"

The coloured fall leaves perfectly complement Yunho's bleach blond hair and bright white smile.

"Okay now do something cool!"

Yunho strikes the first pose to come into his head. His right leg dangling from the tree, his smile so big his eyes turn into crescents, and he cups his face in his hands.

He looks absolutely adorable.

Click! Click! Click! Click!

"You can come down now!" Mingi shouts.

"I'm gonna jump!"

"No! You could hurt-" Mingi doesn't get to finish his sentence before he sees Yunho leaping off the tree.

He runs to catch him and manages to get there just in time.

"Yunho!" he puffs, "I can't have my model getting hurt!"

Yunho doesn't say anything, instead keeping a wide smile on his face and his eyes locked with Mingi's.

"Come on, let's take a walk around the school grounds to see if there's anything worth shooting — besides you of course."

The two make it halfway around the school before Mingi stops in his tracks and gasps at a giant pile of leaves.

"Oh my gosh, Yunho, get in there right now!"

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