Written In The Stars

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Mingi x Yunho

As Mingi gazes at the delicate constellation of freckles adorning his hand, he traces the pattern of Orion, the hunter, with a mix of fondness and longing. Each freckle is like a star, a celestial guide that had once connected him to Yunho in ways words could never capture. They had marvelled at their matching constellations when they first met.

Now, with Yunho lying before him, in the white hospital bed with all kinds of monitors attached to him, Mingi's heart ached. He wondered if the sight of his own constellation would reignite the spark of recognition in Yunho's eyes and if those freckled stars would guide him back to their shared love.

Carefully, Mingi reached out, his fingertips gently grazing the freckles that formed Yunho's Sagittarius constellation. He traced the archer's bow, the delicate lines that held both strength and grace. It was a symbol of their intertwined destinies, of the love that had once flourished beneath the watchful gaze of the stars.

"Yunho," Mingi whispers to Yunho's unconscious body, his voice filled with adoration, "Do you remember what our constellations mean? The way our hands were marked by the heavens themselves? Our love was written among those stars..."

Mingi's voice trembles as tears flow, his heart beating with hope as he continued to trace the freckles as if connecting the dots of their intertwined fate. He recalls the nights they spent stargazing, tracing each other's marks with their fingers and sharing secrets whispered beneath the luminous sky.

"I remember, Yunho," Mingi cries, his voice filled with unwavering devotion, "It may be hidden from your memory, but they are etched upon our souls. No matter the darkness that shrouds your mind, our love remains as constant as the stars themselves."

Silence settled in the room, the weight of their shared past lingering in the air. Mingi held his breath, his eyes locked on Yunho's face, searching for any glimmer of recognition amidst the sea of uncertainty.


Yunho's absence from their shared home that fateful evening weighed heavily on Mingi's heart. Little did he know that the universe had set a cruel course, destined to test their love in the face of tragedy.

As the hours ticked by, Mingi's worry intensified, the nagging feeling in his gut that something was wrong growing stronger with each passing minute. Unbeknownst to him, Yunho's journey had taken an unforeseen turn that would forever alter the course of their lives.

It was a busy intersection where fate's cruel hand struck. Yunho, driving diligently, had the right of way, unaware of the impending danger that lurked within the shadows of the traffic lights. The blaring sound of horns filled the air as another driver attempted to race through the intersection, disregarding the red light that stood as a beacon of caution.

Time seemed to slow as the two vehicles collided in a heartbreaking symphony of twisted metal and shattering glass. The impact was jarring, both physically and emotionally, rendering Yunho unconscious within the confines of his damaged car.

Meanwhile, Mingi sat at home, oblivious to the unfolding tragedy that would forever change their lives. It was in that moment of separation that the universe presented its cruellest test of their love.

It was not until later that evening, when the phone rang with frantic urgency, that Mingi's world crumbled before his eyes. The news of the accident struck him like a bolt of lightning, leaving him breathless and trembling. Rushing to the hospital, his heart pounding in his chest, he clung to hope and prayers, desperate to see Yunho safe and sound.

Entering the sterile hospital room, Mingi's gaze fell upon Yunho, motionless and frail amidst the tangle of white sheets. Tubes and monitors connected him to the realm of the living, their beeps and hums were a reminder of the fragility of Yunho's current state.

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