The Game Of Temptation

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Hongjoong x Seonghwa

🔞 6k words of filth ahead — everything's 100% consensual 🔞

Seonghwa felt nervous about leaving his old friends and family for college. He knew he had to leave at some point, but it was still difficult to say goodbye. He looked back to his mother and father for reassurance, and they gave him a smile and a hug, "Don't worry," his mother told him, "I know it's scary being on your own but we'll be waiting for you when you come home for holidays, and I guarantee that you'll make new friends here."

"And you can always call if you need us," his father adds.

"Yeah, you're right... Thank you..." Seonghwa said, smiling at his parents. He turned to leave, but then stopped and ran back to hug them again, "I love you, eomma and appa," he said, "I'll miss you!"

"We love you too, Seonghwa" they smiled back, "And don't forget to eat properly! You're still a growing boy!" his father added.

"I'll call you at least once a week!" Seonghwa exclaims, "I promise!"

"Okay, okay, okay," his mom and dad said with a laugh. "Make us proud!"

"I will!" Seonghwa shouts, waving goodbye as his parents got in their car and drove off. He walked down the sidewalk, feeling both excited and nervous. He couldn't wait to be on his own, but he also wasn't sure what to expect...

What would his classes be like? Who would he make friends with? And most importantly, who the hell will he be roommates with?


Hongjoong felt nervous about starting his first year of college. He'd heard all the stories about the parties and fun times to be had from his older brother, but he also knew that it was going to be different and challenging in many ways. He was excited to make new friends and explore new things, but he was also understandably anxious about what the next few years would bring.

"Yes, eomma," Hongjoong said with a smile, "I already packed all my supplements and vitamins, they're right here," he held up a pouch filled with the copious bottles of vitamins and supplements she gave him.

She gave him a warm smile and sighed. "Okay..." she said. Her concern was touching, and she could tell that she meant well.

"I promise I'm ready. I've gone over everything a hundred times, and I'm 100% prepared. You don't need to worry," he said, "Plus, I'm basically a full-blown adult now, I got this eomma!" he adds.

She smiled bittersweetly, "You're right, you're right, I'm just being a worrywart!" She hugs him tightly, "Just remember to take care of yourself, okay? The first day of classes is going to be long and tough, trust me, and you should be getting as much rest as possible!"

"I will!" he says, pulling away from the hug. He turns to go, but then stops, "Do you want me to call you later tonight after I've gotten settled?"

His mother smiles, "No, it's okay. You go get settled in and get some rest. We'll talk tomorrow. I love you."

"I love you too!" he replies, "I'll talk to you soon! Tell appa I love him too!"

And with that, she sends him on his way to find his dorm.


The dorm room is fairly small, with two queen beds and dressers. There are also two small desks with a chair each, a nearby closet, and a TV on the opposite wall, between the beds. It is mostly bare, with a few blankets and pillows on the beds. It seems like a clean and simple space, but it also feels somewhat barren and sterile. As Seongwha sits on the bed closest to the door, staring around the room, he begins to feel uneasy. He can't help but feel like there is something missing. He craves familiar surroundings and people. The dorm feels lonely, like an empty void waiting to be filled.

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