Part 1

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"Sirius Orion Black!" James called through his family's house. "We have ten minutes!"

Sirius threw an eyeliner pencil at his head.

"This mullet does not style itself!" Sirius yelled back, his eyes remaining on the mirror.

"Pads, I love you, but move your ass!" James grabbed his friend's hair things and shoved him into the passenger seat of the car.

"Wait, is this legal?" 

James put the keys in the ignition.

"Let me answer that for you, Padfoot; no, this is completely illegal." Remus's voice sounded from the back seat.

"Cool. I'm so down with this." Sirius turned back to the mirror, styling his (wonderful) mullet.

"Has all that hair gel seeped into your head?" Lily popped up next to Remus.

"HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE IN THIS CAR!?" Sirius shouted, spinning around.

"I'm here!" Marlene sat up as James drove.

"Mary's fixing her shirt with a Tide pen." Peter offered.

"You left your second bottle of hair gel in my bathroom." Regulus handed over a half full bottle of gel.

"How did you all get in here?" Sirius groaned.

"Well, generally one opens the door or crawls through a window and takes an open seat until there are none left." Remus informed.

"No shit, smartass!" Sirius snapped.

"Would you two just kiss already?" Lily shouted.

"Moony and Padfoot or James and Reg?" Mary grinned, handing a Tide Pen back to James.

"Lil, there's some ductape in the door. Grab a piece off and slap it over Mary's mouth, will you?" James instructed.

"My momma didn't raise a follower. She raised a little leader." Lily proclaimed, pulling out a tube of cherry red lipstick.

"A simple 'yes' or 'no' would suffice Sunflower!" Sirius called, red in the face.

"Where exactly are we going?" Regulus kicked up his feet.

"My mom gave me money so we could get chicken nuggets." James said over the rest of the chatter.

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered.

"Damn man, I love your mom." Remus grinned.

"Me too, mate." Sirius put his feet up on the dashboard.

"She basically adopted you, shithead," James smacked his best friend's shoulder.

"She adopted all of us, fuckbrain!" Marlene cried.

"Hey, calm the obscenities dickwads!" Peter shouted.

James turned up the music, and soon the singing of his friends filled the car.

"Mamaaa!" Lily sang loudest.

"Just killed a man!" Peter responded.

"Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger now he's dead!" Remus belted.

"Mama, life had just begun!" Regulus surprised everyone as they pulled up to the drive through. 

"But now I've gone and thrown it all away!" Marlene chanted.

"Mama, ooh!" Everyone sang together.

"Didn't mean to make you cry!" Sirius held James's face in his hands.

"If I'm not back again this time tomorrow!" James cried.

"Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters!" Mary finished.

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