Part 6

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"You reckless idiot!" Regulus screeched, sprinting down the street after James.

"You can't chase me forever!" James screamed in return.

"You forget that I've been chasing things since day one, bitch!"

"Yeah? I can hide behind a lamppost."

"We all know that you just turn into a stag and run away. What, you think we didn't know?"

James jumped a fence, running madly through a yard. A pink flamingo jumped up and smacked him with its plastic beak.

"Ow!" James cried, grabbing for it as he began to run towards his own house.

Bright lights followed him slowly down the road, laughter filling the small car as Sirius watched the enchantment fulfill its duty.

"See, Sirius, this is entertainment!" Regulus exclaimed, jogging alongside the open driver's window.

"We're gonna have shit to pay, Reg. Deep shit." Sirius chuckled softly, rubbing his chin.

"It'll be fine!" He protested.


"James, don't run out of moving cars!" Euphemia exclaimed. "Sirius, stop getting yourself into jail! And Regulus, thank you for going to get them."

"But-!" James began to protest, heat creeping across his face.

"No, I don't want to hear it, child." Euphemia scolded.

"They chased me in a car!" James defended, meeting his mother's eyes.

Her gaze turned to the brothers, guiltily looking anywhere but at her.

"Sirius was driving!" Regulus blurted into the charged silence. "I wasn't even in the car!"

"Thanks, Regulus!" Sirius turned around dramatically. 

He stared into the distance, eyes slowly widening. Slowly, and with much flare, he fell to the floor, legs and arms bent at awkward angles.

"What- what was that?" James called through tears of mirth.

"The bus that Reggie threw me under. It hit me. I died under it. Dead." Sirius stood, taking a bow.

"Sirius, go wash up. You smell like jail!" Euphemia gently pushed him. "And you two look like you've been attacked by brush monsters. Please change your clothing."

"Thanks, mum." James frowned, sulking towards his room.

Euphemia resumed painting the windowsill. A shuffle behind her encouraged her to spin quickly back around.

"Regulus, dear, what's wrong?" She muttered, the lonely boy standing tall in the centre of the room.

"This is my last clean pair of trousers, and I haven't got a clue how to wash clothing." He muttered bashfully.

"Oh, don't worry, dear, we have a machine," Euphemia assured him with a soft smile. "If you can, get James to teach you. And you look about the same size as him, you can borrow some of his trousers for now. Though, pyjamas may be more appropriate at this hour."

"Thank you, Mrs. Potter." Tears rimmed his grey eyes as he hugged the small woman.

"It's Euphemia, dear." She reminded him.


"James, love, you should show me how to use your clothes-washing-machine-thing." Regulus flopped down onto the bed.

"And?" James looked up from his trunk.

"I need some pyjama bottoms."

James opened a drawer with his foot. "Help yourself, Reggie."

Plaid pyjamas, patterned pyjamas and plain pyjamas met Regulus's eyes. He had never seen anything like it before.

"What is this?" Regulus pulled a fuzzy suit out of the drawer.

"That's a onesie, love, haven't you ever seen one?" James craned his neck to look.

"No. Mum never bought these for us. I've never seen them before."

"They are the warmest things I have ever worn. If you're cold, take it."

Regulus buried his face in the fabric, breathing in James's cologne.

"Okay, I'm packed. Ready to learn?" James invited.

"James, this makes me feel too short." Regulus flopped the onesie sleeves around.

Laughter ricocheted off of every wall in the room.

"Love, I don't know how this happened. That was too small for me, I swear!" James tugged on the ends of the sleeves.

"I look as though I'm as small as a child in this."

"But you're adorable!"

Regulus pouted, holding his arms out in hopes of a hug.

"Come on, love. I'll get your sleeves rolled up and we can go do laundry, okay?" James whispered, leaning into their hug.

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