Part 11

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"James, love, what is that?" Mary asked, pointing to his face.

"Well, it started as one nose piercing. Then someone overshot and gave me a second nose piercing," James gave Lily a look.

"You forced me to give you a piercing at midnight. I ate seven pieces of garlic bread and took three shots of Firewhisky before that. What did you expect?" Lily defended. "Plus, it looks cute!"

"It does, but the crunchy feeling wasn't!" James defied.

"Well, it is cute," Mary comforted, herding her friends around a corner.

Regulus gasped, dropping his textbooks as he ran into the trio.

"Mon chèrie, what is in your nose?" He walked quickly to James.

"This is a left nostril piercing. This is a septum piercing," James pointed at each in turn, allowing his head to be forced around by Regulus.

"Was it meant to be both?" Regulus asked. "Who did this?"

"No, I only wanted the side, but it's growing on me," James smiled.

"Well, good. But technically, you are growing on your piercing. Your skin cells are regenerating around the metal."



"Shut up!" Lily covered both their mouths.

Mary bent over laughing.

"JAMES POTTER DID YOU JUST LICK MY HAND!?" Lily wiped her palm on her skirt.

"Maybe," He smirked, linking hands with Regulus.

"I'm so proud of you!" Mary grinned. "You've taken my lessons to heart." 

"Potter, I would like to see you in my office." McGonagall's voice carried over the hoards of students.

While everyone stopped to stare, James dashed into her, office landing on the chair across McGonagall's desk.

"How... athletic of you, Mr. Potter. Now, onto business. I am aware that you are aware of Mr. Lupin's affliction," She began, pouring herself a cup of tea. "Any for you, Potter?"

"What kind do you have?" He replied politely.

"Peppermint, green and herbal."

"A cup of peppermint would be nice, thank you."

A heavy silence fell as tea was poured.

"Now, Potter, onto our conversation. Mr. Lupin's transformation falls the day before NEWTS exams begin," McGonagall's glasses fogged up as she sipped her tea. "And as we cannot move NEWTS, we must make Mr. Lupin comfortable.

"Easing test anxiety is not easy, especially one so big. Now, this is where I need your help," McGonagall spoke carefully. "Mr. Lupin will still be taking his exams, however, his exam will be postponed by two days to give him a little extra time. I expect you to help him in any way you can."

"Yes, professor," James smiled, running his hands through his hair nervously. "I will do everything in my power. I promise."

"Good, thank you. Now, off to lunch, James." She opened the door with a quick wave of her wand.

"See you later Minnie!" James skipped away.

"Moons, our mother has begged for my aid!" James slid onto the bench between Regulus and Sirius.

"Our... Ah, McGonagall," Remus let it sink in, then furrowed his brows. "Why?"

"She worries about her little ones," James grinned.

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