Part 4

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"Does this job ever end?" James yelled, chasing a very drunk Sirius down a hill.

"Not for you, dear friend!" Sirius cartwheeled.

James tackled the boy, pushing him into the grass.

"It's two in the morning, get your ass in bed."

"No fucking way, man."

"Fine, you'll sleep out here then."

"Tell me a story, Prongsy."

"If I ever have a daughter, I want to name her Kallos. That means 'beautiful' in Greek. And I want her middle name to be Rose. Or Daisy."

"That wasn't a very good story." Sirius frowned, pushing back his cuticles with his thumbnail.

"Go to bed, dumbass."

"Do you two need help?" Peter laughed, rolling down the hill.

"You take his arms, I'll take his legs!" James cried, beginning to roll Sirius up the hill.

"Hey, man!" Sirius slurred. "I'm acacabale of walking by meself." 

"You can't even speak, love." James reminded him, searching for his wand.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Remus muttered, suspending Sirius's body in the air. "I think that he should have been locked in the house."

"Are you single?" Sirius asked Remus.


"Can you be?"

"We're dating, love."

"WHAT!" Sirius raised his eyebrows. "REALLY?"

"Yes, love. For almost two years."

"WHAT?" James shrieked.

"Oh, right. You didn't know that. Well, now you do!" Remus blushed.

"For merlin's sake just get him to bed. And take Pete too." 

"Yes, sir!"

"Thanks, love." James grinned.

The bushes rustled behind James, and he spun quickly.

"You pull a wand on your own boyfriend?" Regulus frowned in the dark, gliding over the dewy grass.

"If I'm being honest, nobody has ever come out of the bushes behind me before, nor have they done so in such a dangerous time." James sighed, relaxing.

"I'm sorry, love. But I really was in the bush. And I had to come out."

James snickered.

"Oh, fuck you, James."

He opened his mouth.

"No." Regulus frowned.

"Did you know that I've only been drunk once?" James murmured, laying down in the grass.

"No I did not."

"Yep. Your brother was the designated sober and he failed, so we used our backup, Lily. She found it hilarious. And then I threw up on Marlene."

Regulus shook with silent giggles.

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh at me. But I bet you weren't much better."

"Actually..." Regulus trailed off.

"Oh dear. I have to hear this story."

"Okay. So, it was New Years Eve a year ago. And my dear, dear brother brought me a drink. An alcoholic beverage. And I spit it out on his shoes. And then threw up on him. I ended up drinking six more. Kissed a lamppost." 

James laughed silently, shaking on the ground.

"Hey, the lamppost didn't look awful."

"Oh, love." 

"What?" Regulus exclaimed. "Are you judging me?"

"Awe, love, it's okay. You're allowed to judge me if you'd like."

"It is incredibly difficult to judge you, Potter."

"Aw, thanks love."

"Although your hair."

"My hair?"

"Your hair."

"What's wrong with my hair?" James ran his fingers through the messy mop.

"It's just a little messy." Regulus shrugged, holding James's hand in his own.

"I thought you liked it that way," James murmured with a frown.

"I do. But it's the only thing I can judge about you. It has a mind of its own."

"It does, doesn't it?"

"That's okay. I still love it."

Someone rolled down the hill alongside them, hair flying as they laughed.

"We should do this more often!" Lily screamed as she stopped further down the field.

"What? Roll down hills? Get drunk off our asses?" James asked, perching on his elbows.

"All of that!" She giggled.

"Love, there is no way you should be drunk anymore." James sighed, smoothing down Lily's hair. "I mean, get drunk again."

Lily laughed, resting her head on James's shin.

"Why aren't you in bed?" James wondered of the girl.

"Because I didn't want to." She muttered.

"No. Don't lie."

"Remus chased me."

"Go to bed, love." James laid back, sighing in relaxation as he felt the weight of Lily's head leave his leg.

"You're good at that," Regulus gently rested closer to James.

"I've had practice talking people down." He frowned.

"You wanna talk about it?"

"You sure?"


"I had a sister." James started, resting his hands on Regulus's head. "She died when I was three. Pushed down four flights of stairs. Funny thing was, I thought that it was my fault. Nothing I could have done about it though."

Regulus made a sympathetic noise, grabbing James's hand.

"I know now that it wasn't. And I'm okay with it now. But, I learned how to talk people down. I've talked people off of ledges and down from extreme highs."

"I'm sorry, love. If you ever need to talk, I'm here."

"Thank you, Reg."

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