Part 9

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"Why is there a bra hanging from your light?" James casually called to Lily, watching as she, Mary, and Marlene packed to leave.

"That's where it went! Thank you so much! I love you!" Mary scrambled to take it.

"I still cannot believe that we have to go back to Hogwarts. I feel like we just got here!" Marlene groaned, falling backwards onto her bed.

"I know, Grasshopper. But look at it this way, we're almost at Easter break, which is almost summer break!" James comforted, sitting next to her.

"You smell nice," Marlene smiled. "Wait. You smell like someone I know. OH MY MERLIN! YOU SMELL LIKE R-"

James clapped a hand over her mouth, slinging her over his shoulder. 

"You all look like you need a break from Marlene. I'll be back with her later!" James jauntily sauntered out, Marlene hanging onto him for dear life.

"You smell like Regulus!" Marlene gasped.

"I know," James answered, setting her down.

"You have a hickey." Marlene noticed.

"I know," James replied.

"You're blushing!" Marlene exclaimed.

"Yes, Marlene." James sighed, leaning against the wall.

"You like Reggie!" Marlene jumped up and down on the spot.

"I hear my name?" Regulus asked, popping his head out the guest room door.

"YOU!" Marlene cried. "AND YOU!"

She pointed at James, then Regulus.

"You smell like each other." She cried, taking a sniff of Regulus's sweatshirt.

"Yes, love. Care to conclude?" James rolled his eyes.

"You're dating behind everyone's backs!" Marlene shouted.

"A bit louder, I don't think Sirius heard you." Regulus sucked in a breath, looking around quickly.

"Oh! Right, secrets, sorry!" She quickly lowered her voice.

Regulus took a step towards James, unconsciously reaching for his hand.

"I carried her here. I did not know I could carry people." James muttered.

"It's true. Right over his shoulder like I was nothing. Hand over my mouth and everything!" Marlene eagerly agreed.

She took the silence that ensued as her cue to retreat.

"So, she knows," James said slowly.

"Yeah," Regulus agreed.

"She's gonna tell everyone," James whispered.

"Yeah," Regulus murmured.

"We gotta tell everyone before she does," James frowned.

"Yeah," Regulus huffed.

"Fuck," James shouted.



"So you're probably wondering why I have gathered you all here today!" James spoke over the dining table.

"No, we came down 'cause you called us for cookies." Lily frowned.

James sat at the head of the table.

"You're all wrong. I have gathered you here for an important meeting. Nobody leaves this room until you have sworn an oath over cookies. You will be killed if violated." James announced.

Remus adjusted himself in his chair. "Can we hurry up? I have to go lay on the floor for a while."

"Existential crisis?" Mary asked.

"Back pain!" Remus smiled, though hurt was etched into every line of his face.

"Okay. This doesn't get to Sirius. Like, ever. Got it?" James warned, suddenly very serious.

"Yes, boss!" Marlene giggled.

"Regulus and I are dating and Sirius can never know because if he finds out, I am dead. Alright, enjoy your cookies!" James began walking away, Regulus in tow.

Lily jumped up and down. "I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT!"

"Do you want a medal?" Regulus chuckled.

"No, but I need four galleons from Remus, four galleons from Mary and two galleons from Marls." Lily pulled out a list, holding her hand out.

Each grumbled, passing her coins.

"You bet on us dating?!" James exclaimed.

"No." Lily smiled. "I bet that the hickeys were yours. I've seen those before."

"EW!" James covered his ears, running away.

"I have to go... walk my fish," Regulus backed out of the room.

Peter sat in silence, clearly uncomfortable.

"What's wrong, Wormy?" Remus wondered.

"I just didn't know James liked guys," Peter muttered.

"Okay?" Remus chuckled.

"It's just... all my friends are gay," Peter sighed.

Remus's eyes went wide. "Oh."

"Excuse me, I've gotta go home!" Peter called out, waving at everyone as he marched away.

Remus ran to find Sirius. As always, he was laying in his bed, scrolling through Tik Tok with his volume all the way up, sans headphones.

"PETE'S A HOMOPHOBE!" Remus burst, huffing from his run.

"WHAT!" Sirius threw his phone down. "Spill, boy!"

"He's uncomfortable with everyone being gay," Remus sat in front of Sirius.

"How'd you figure that out?" Sirius leaned forward, intrigued.

"He said so! Outright! Sitting next to me! ME!" Remus whispered.

"I'll put him on the list of people who I'm uncomfortable around."

"No, really! I asked him why he looked so uncomfortable and he told me that all his friends are gay, and now I don't know what to do!" 

"We be extraordinarily gay around him just to piss him off, my love!"

"Sirius, no."


"And we're not ignoring him or punching him either."

"But Moony!"

"Sirius, no."

"Moons, how do we be obnoxiously gay?" Sirius huffed, leaning into his headboard.

"For starters, you don't have to change anything. But when people want to flaunt their relationships, which you should know loads about, they act more romantic around everyone." Remus laid down.

"Oh, my love, that's so easy!"

"I know."

"Does this mean that I'm obnoxious?"

"No, Sirius."


"I love you." Remus murmured, falling asleep.

"Does that mean I'm obnoxious?" Sirius sat up.

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