Part 2

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"Okay, everyone!" Regulus pranced through Sirius's room in a tux. "I'm hot, and we all know it. So let's get this show on the road and a glass of champagne in my hand."

"Reg, love, calm your ass. Lil doesn't even have her shoes on!" Remus threw a dress shoe at James.

"Babe, I hardly have my dress on. Sirius, zip me up!" Lily demanded, striding in with her zipper halfway done up.

Black was the dress code for the formal New Years' Eve event. And damn did they look good in it.

"Mum!" James yelled, running down the hall in socks and trunks. "I can't find my trousers!"

"They're hanging behind your door, love!" Mrs. Potter shouted back.

James ran the other way.

Regulus's eyes were on the door, his jaw slack as he stared at James.

"Regulus Arcturus Black!" Sirius called, attempting to catch his younger brother's attention.

"Sirius!" James yelled, skidding to a halt in Sirus's room shirtless. "I lost my shirt!"

"How did you lose your shirt?" Sirius brushed past him, moving towards James's room.

Regulus's mouth had fully dropped open as he stared at his brother's best friend.

"Reg, love, if I were you, I would stop staring at him and just kiss him already." Lily set her hand on his shoulder.

"But-" Regulus started.

"Hush now, young one." Remus grinned. "No buts. He obviously likes you, too."

"He does?" Regulus sat down on the bed.

"Oh come on, everyone can see it." Mary joined, crawling out from under the bed with her retrieved shoe.

"Babe, the only reason he hasn't acted on it is because your brother is his best friend." Marlene stepped in.

"And we all know it." Remus crossed his arms. "Now, Mary, put your shoes on."

"Blue tie or grey?" James walked in, one tie in each hand.

"Grey," Regulus blurted quickly.

"The blue doesn't quite match your suit, I agree," Lily covered casually.

"Thanks. Now, onto my next problem. Does anyone know how to tie a tie?" The messy-haired young man inquired.

"Take the tree trunk and the branch, the branch wraps around the trunk twice and then you tuck it through," Peter instructed.

"Moony, could you tie this for me?" James turned.

"Sure thing." Remus stepped up.

"While this is happening, GET IN THE CAR!" James cried in the room full of his friends.

"Awe, so bossy!" Regulus patted James's shoulder.

James practically melted.

"Pull yourself together, man!" Remus cried.

"How is he hot, and yet so annoying?" James sighed.

"Because you like him, love."

"What?" James went red. "Wha- who, me? Like the Slytherin seeker who is coincidentally my best friend's younger brother? Never."

"Mate, it's written all over your face when you look at him."

"This face is a fortress that hides all of my secrets!"

"Then your fortress is made of clear plastic and your secrets are printed in bold. We can see right through you."

"Damn it."

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