Part 22

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Hello everyone! Recently found out I have chronic migraines, so that was fun.

I apologize for being absent all of July and a lot in the past year. I have been super busy with my own life, and I couldn't find my charger for a week, lol.

Onto the story, loves!


"Ready to go out?" James stood in front of Regulus.

Regulus stood with his mouth open, staring at James's midriff. 

"What?" James stared down self-consciously. "Did I spill something on my shirt?"

Regulus shook his head. "No, no, you're, uhm, you- you're lovely. You look wonderful."

James spun slowly, showing off his new crop top and low-rise jeans.

"Merlin you're hot," Regulus blinked. "How did I get a boyfriend like you?"

"You got me as a boyfriend because I found you absolutely ravishing, my love. And you're the sweetest, kindest, loveliest, most-"

"Okay, okay!" Regulus put his forehead to James's. "I get it. Ready to go meet our friends?"

"Mhm. Anything with you, my love." James kissed him.

Regulus laughed, leading James down to the main hall.

The large group of them wandered through the streets, pointing out things that they found interesting, or occasionally dipping into stores.

"Hullo, lovely Rosmerta!" James cried upon his entrance.

"Butterbeer all around?" She called back.

"You know it, love!" James found tables along the back walls.

James found himself seated between Evan, Barty and Regulus. And they were quite the conversationalists.

Or something.

"Are they weird, dating, both or neither?" James whispered to Regulus.

"All of the above, my love." Regulus patted James's knee.

"Okay. I'm tired," James sighed.

"What do you need?" Regulus stroked James's hair.

"Just to be near you."

"You sure?"


"Okay. Let me know when you need something else."

James nodded, yawning as he rested his head on Regulus's shoulder.

"Mum sent me a new eyeliner yesterday. Want to try it with me later, Sirius?" Marlene asked the elder Black brother.

"YES!" Sirius cried, hugging the girl with all his might.

"Wonderful, because even if you said 'no', you would be participating in the trial of my new eyeliner." Marlene nodded sagely.

Sirius grinned, slinging his arms around Remus and Marlene.

"My mum gave me her old makeup bags. She used to do a lot of it." Pandora said, pulling out a few lists. "You should all come up to the Ravenclaw tower and we can test it out."

"I would love to!" Mary grinned.

"Terrific, we'll make a day out of it!" Pandora smiled, tucking her white-blonde hair behind her ear.

Regulus took a deep breath, feeling James shift on his shoulder.

"You smell like coffee," James whispered, his breath hot on Regulus's neck.

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