Part 8

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"Ugh, what day is it?" Sirius rubbed his temples.

"I miss those hangovers," James frowned. "However, I also love my kidneys."

"Love, if you would please stick to a whisper, I would appreciate it," Sirius whined.

"Tea?" Regulus called from the kitchen.

Sirius pressed his fingers to his eye sockets, muttering "ow, ow, ow, ow" all the while.

"Bit of a headache?" Regulus grinned.

"I liked it better when you didn't talk to us," Sirius glared, a particular pair of fingers directed at his dear brother. 

"Keep it down for the sake of our lord and saviour jesus christ!" Remus whisper-shouted.

"Where's Lilifred?" Sirius searched the room with his eyes.

"I believe she's with the bartender." James raised his eyebrows, smirking from behind his coffee.

"Ooh!" Everyone squealed.

"They're both really sick as of five minutes ago." James continued, checking his watch.

"Ooh," Everyone groaned.

"I'll be right back." James chuckled.


"Bro, bro, bro your boat gently down the stream..." Sirius sang at Remus.

"No, do not call me bro, your tongue was just down my throat." Remus crossed his arms.

"Ew, ew, ew!" Regulus covered his ears.

"Like we can't see your hickeys." Sirius stuck out his tongue.

Regulus blushed, pulling his sweater higher up on his neck. 

"Who is it?" Sirius prodded.

"Nobody. Winter fling." Regulus shrugged rather conspicuously.

"Reggie?" Sirius raised an eyebrow. "Got something hiding?"

"Why should I? Already ended the bloodline." Regulus shrugged.

James stepped into the room, his sickly ginger friend trailing behind him.

"Morning, love!" Sirius chuckled.

"Why so pink, Regulus?" James wondered.

"Ask the hickey." Regulus glared, unfolding himself from his armchair.

"Hm," James said, suddenly feeling very warm.

"That was the absolute worst date I have ever been on." Lily groaned, dramatically draping herself over Sirius and Remus.

Peter squirmed out of the way, quite content with whomever he was texting.

"Where'd you two go?" Regulus inquired, eager to turn the attention away from himself.

"To get pizza, but somehow we ended up with food poisoning!" Lily grumbled. "And we were supposed to watch a movie, but apparently morning pizza isn't good!"

"Awe, poor flower!" Sirius plaited her hair.

"How was your hangover, love?" Lily looked into the grey eyes of her friend.

"Terrific! I had such a lovely time with the construction work in my head. I think they may have closed a neural pathway while they were at it. Temporarily, of course!" Sirius bubbled.

"Sirius, you're insane." Remus rolled his eyes.

"Yes, but I'm your insane." Sirius grinned.

Remus's eyes twinkled with love. "I know."

James made a fake vomiting noise.

"Shut up," Sirius snorted.

"Regulus, could you help me bring up the tea?" James excused himself.

Regulus marched out behind James, struggling to keep up with James.

"We're not actually getting tea," James turned just before a set of grand stairs.

"I figured when we walked past the tea," Regulus crossed his arms.

"How else am I supposed to excuse myself and my secret boyfriend?" James grinned, holding out his hands.

"How about 'Reg, come help me find the Uno deck'? We get so much more time that way," Regulus giggled, taking James's outstretched hands.

James spun Regulus, pulling him into a loving hug.

"What's wrong, my love?" Regulus asked, tucking his head under James's chin.

"I'm very, supremely, incredibly, undoubtedly gay for you." James sighed.

Regulus burst into a fit of laughter.

"What? Don't you believe me?" 

"You're cute."

"You think I'm cute?"

"Who doesn't?" Regulus smiled up at James, his skin becoming golden in the evening sun.

"I know for a fact that my owl hates me when we spend the summer apart." James traced Reg's cheek with his thumb.

"It's either that or I die at the hands of my mother. So please, take your pick!" Regulus joked.

"Okay, I get it-" James was interrupted, a loud voice cutting through the hall.


"WE'RE FINE. I WAS DECIDING WHAT TO MAKE!" James replied, quickly using his magic to make a steaming pot of tea.

"Here, I'll take the cups." Regulus offered, looking nervously at the teetering stack.

"I got it," James said passively, narrowly avoiding a wall.

"I came to 'help' you, recall?"Regulus hissed, taking a few cups from the pile.

"Fine." James rolled his eyes.

"Sass king." Regulus shot.

"Short ass." James retorted.

"Took you long enough!" Remus practically leapt at the tea.

"What's with the jumpy one?" James left the ravenous man to his tea.

"We're playing two truths and a lie!" Lily laughed, eyes wild with hair to match.

"OOH YAY I LOVE THIS GAME!" James squeezed himself between Remus and Sirius.

"K, it's Moony's turn." Sirius giggled.

Remus pondered for a moment, seeming to take his time. "I'm gay, I'm a werewolf, I used to sell drugs to pay for your Christmas presents."

"You're gay?" Peter asked, not looking up from his phone. 

Everyone guiltily stared around, forgetting he was there.

"I'm bisexual, love." Remus smiled.

"Wait, you sold what?" Sirius spun.

"Are we skipping over the whole 'werewolf' thing?" Lily sprang up.

"You're not gay?" Regulus wondered.

author's note

Sorry, everyone, it has been sinfully long since my last update. I've been busy with my classes and worrying about some of my classmates staring at my ass while I use power tools. However, should I speak up a suspension will be upon me, lol. Anyways, hopefully, I will be updating more regularly.

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