Part 14

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"Remus, sometimes I cannot understand what you say," James said suddenly.

"Is it cause I use big words or I'm Welsh?" Remus asked.

James pondered. "Both. When you get upset, you're very Welsh in accent."

"Well, I grew up with a Welsh accent, see Welsh people every summer, and I have since I was born!" Remus frowned. "It is only natural that my accent becomes denser when I am feeling a very strong emotion."

"Too many big words, too early," James groaned.

"It's noon, you bitch," Sirius laughed.

"Oh I'm the bitch," James grinned.

"Both of you shut up, I am trying to study!" Peter shouted impatiently.

"Pete, you are studying in the dorm. A common room," Remus pointed out.

"Fine, I'm going to the library!" Peter snapped, packing up all of his study things.

The remaining trio blinked. Peter had become so angry all of a sudden.

"What is up his ass?" Sirius asked.

"We won't ever know. Maybe it's because we're too gay for him!" Remus looked over at Sirius, the six feet between them so romantic.

"Oh yes, all the making out we do in front of him must be so difficult for him," Sirius rolled his eyes.

Regulus burst in, a letter clutched in his hand.

"Does your mother think I do not sleep?" He addressed James.

"What?" James chuckled.

"She sent me a letter with a package. In the package was a huge bottle of melatonin gummies. The letter gave me a schedule for bedtimes!" He exclaimed.

"My mother gave you a bedtime?" James wiped tears of mirth from his eyes.

"Yes!" Regulus shouted, flopping onto Sirius' bed.

"My, if you get any more dramatic, you could be James," Sirius commented.

"Like he didn't learn it from you, oh lord and saviour of dramatics, Sirius!" Remus snorted.

"Oh, shut it. I'm dramatic and gay, not my brother!" Regulus defended.


"Ooh! I like Mary!" Sirius followed Remus out, leather jacket in hand.

"They're like a couple of toddlers," Regulus smirked.

"I think it's just the unmedicated ADHD," James grinned.

"The pair of them are a sight, for sure."

James hummed in agreement, letting the conversation fall to a pleasant lull.

Pulling out a textbook and some parchment, James began studying.

"Transfiguration?" Regulus asked, sliding to the floor.

"I wish, but alas, no. History of Magic," James shared the sheet with Regulus.

"I wish you luck and patience, my love. So much luck and patience."

"Reassuring today, aren't you?"

"I try."

James rolled his eyes as he scribbled on his parchment.

Regulus huffed, scooting closer to James.

"What?" James looked over quickly.

"Nothing," Regulus answered with a pout.

James resumed his scribbling, his loopy letters filling the page.

Again, Regulus sighed and moved closer.

Looking up, James found his nose inches from Regulus'.

"Hi?" James chuckled.

"Hullo!" Regulus grinned.

Setting his books aside, James pulled his boyfriend in for a hug.

"This is much better," Regulus whispered.

"Are you wearing my jumper?" James wondered.

"Maybe," Regulus took a deep breath, taking in James' cologne.

A knock on the door made James jump to his feet, mussing his hair as he marched to the door.

"Morning, Jamesy!" Lily sprang into the room.

A disgruntled Regulus sat on the floor, the way one might find their toddler after being left alone for two minutes.

"Reggie quit pouting! Let's go for a walk!" Lily bounced.

"How high are you, love?" James laughed.

"Not at all, I'm having a burst of energy!" She danced from foot to foot.

"C'mon, babe, let's take her for a walk. She'll probably sleep for a few hours after!" James begged.

"Let me get my coat," Regulus agreed reluctantly.

Lily cartwheeled down the path, her feet hitting some branches and leaves from the bushes. The sunset cast her hair like the sun itself. To see it was to behold God, to touch it was to burn.

"Do you have a pen?" Lily raced back towards the couple, something held tightly in her fist.

"Here," James pulled one from his pockets.

On a small glass vial, she wrote 'the patriarchy' in neat loopy letters. 

Then, with a smile, she threw it at the ground with every ounce of strength she could muster.

"Scourgify," Regulus murmured

"Lily, that was dangerous! You aren't even wearing shoes!" James screeched.

"But I had fun!" She bounced, spinning in large circles with her arms outstretched. 

Singing little happy tunes to herself, she danced. She bounced through the long grass, hardly touching the ground. SHe looked like she was flying.

"Come have fun, James!" Regulus grinned, joining the ginger.

He took her hands and they swung together and danced in circles, frolicking and cartwheeling through the vast field.

James grinned to himself, knowing he had to join them.

Throwing his arms out, James grinned, running with his face towards the open sky.

And for a while, everything was alright.

Everything was good.

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