Part 23

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"Have you gotten a letter from your parents yet?" Regulus asked.

They had stayed in the Head Boy's room overnight, waiting for an owl from the Potters.

"No, nothing." James fastened his tie in the mirror.

"Well, I suppose that we go back this weekend for Easter," Regulus shrugged.

James looked down. "I have your tie, my love."

Regulus handed one of the red ties over, taking his own from around James's neck.

"James, what is wrong? You're not tying it very well." Regulus stepped in, fixing the tie.

James looked down at the floor, wiping furiously at his eyes.

"Oh, James." Regulus stepped forward, holding James's face in his hands. "What's wrong darling?"

"I don't know," He admitted softly.

"Come on, let's sit, okay?" Regulus pulled James to the chair.

James's body was racked with sobs as he set his head in his hands.

"Hey, it's okay. Let it all out, my darling." Regulus knelt before him.

"I feel like a piece of shit, Reg," James muttered.

"But you're not. You are a wonderful, kind, caring and selfless man, James. You are not a piece of shit." Regulus assured him, brushing the hair out of his beautiful face.

James nodded, the tears flowing in a steady and continuous stream.

"Wanna tell me what's going through your head?" Regulus offered.

James couldn't speak but looked helplessly to Regulus.

"Hey, hey. It's okay, just breathe. Do you want me to get someone? Sirius? Remus?" Regulus rushed his words, holding steadily to James's shaking hands.

He shook his head, pulling Regulus into a hug.

"I'm here, my love. I'm here," Regulus whispered, rubbing his back.

Minutes passed, then an hour.

"James?" A knock sounded on the door.

Regulus looked up, but James shook his head.

"Not right now," Regulus did his best imitation of James's voice.

"You're going to be late!" The voice came again.

"Yep!" Regulus called.

He looked back at James.

His hair was messier than ever, and his uniform was crooked and wrinkled, unbuttoned and untied. Yes, he had a messy appearance, but it was always the attractive and controlled kind of mess.

This was different. And so unlike James.

"Would you like some water or food?" Regulus murmured gently.

"No," James's voice was hoarse. "Can't keep it down."

Regulus nodded. "Have these happened before?"


"Do you know what causes them? Or what helps?"

"No. Sometimes they go for hours. Had 'em since I was little."

"Okay. Have you told anyone about them?"

James shook his head. "Nobody. Not until you."

"Okay. Well, I want you to know that I will always be around for you. Whenever you need me, okay?"

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