Part 18

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James caught the snitch. He had really caught it.

The game against Ravenclaw had come to a close with the small golden ball in James's fist.

Gryffindor won!

"Congrats, James!" Lily called, her arm around Mary.

"Thanks, Lily!" James ran off the pitch.

He knew that if he didn't move quickly, half the school would be surrounding him in moments.

"Good job, love," Regulus came out of the shadows.

"Thank you, Reggie!" James hugged Regulus tightly.

"Air!" Regulus gasped.

"Oh, goodness!" James released him. "I am so sorry! Are you alright?"

"Fine!" Regulus squeaked, taking some deep breaths.

"James!" Sirius called, tackling him. "We won!"

"Sirius!" Remus called. "Stop tackling people! Someone is going to get seriously injured!"

"I'm fine!" James laughed.

"WE WON! WE WON!" Marlene leapt on top of the pile. "WE WON!"

The rest of the team leapt on the pile, burying their captain under many bodies. Well, seven.

"Okay! You all smell! Shower and then get up to the common room for the party tonight!" James crawled out from underneath his teammates.

A cheer went around as the team headed to the changing rooms.

"I'll see you upstairs, yeah?" Regulus snaked his arms around James's waist.

"Of course!" James kissed his boyfriend. "Bring your friends too, okay?"

"Be careful what you ask for!" Regulus walked off.


Loud music pumped through the Gryffindor common room as a celebratory mood filled them all.

"I see you brought your friends," James joked, watching as Marlene and Dorcas relentlessly flirted.

"Of course. You told me to," Regulus replied.

"Prongs!" Sirius shouted from a table, red plastic cup in hand.

"Get off that table!" James ran off, throwing Sirius over his shoulder. "Moony, I trusted you with this!"

"Oops! Got a little tipsy!" Remus giggled.

"I think you mean drunk!" James groaned, dragging Remus along with him. "Lily, could you sit with them?"

"Dump them with us!" Lily laughed, her head in Mary's lap.

"Is anybody sober?" James muttered, throwing Sirius carefully into a chair.

"No!" Mary chuckled.

Evan Rosier popped up beside James, a glass bottle in hand.

"Pandora baked a pie," He said.

"Evan! Leave James alone!" Regulus called, grabbing the boy's elbow.

"What does he mean by 'Pandora baked a pie'? And why did he tell me?" James wondered.

"Well, Pandora used the fire to bake an apple pie, and he told you because he's drunk and couldn't find Barty," Regulus explained.

"Barty Crouch Jr. is right there," James pointed to a window.

"BARTY! MY LOVE!" Evan sprinted off.

"How is my favourite Black brother?" James asked, throwing his arms around Regulus.

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