𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏 🫧

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Time to find You!

"Where's My Beomie?!"

Beomgyu hid for his life, and his 'bestie' Taehyun can't stop touching him, his too clingy!


They were playing hide and seek and hyun was it, his heart starts to beat faster and faster, Taehyun sounded like a yandere. Beom was hiding under a table or something like that and thats when Beomgyu heard foot steps near him and Taehyun looked under the coffe table in the living room when he touched Beom's shoulder which gave him shivers from head to toe, his hand was warm yet cold it felt werid. 

"Found you hyung~!"

"ah, yeah.."

Beomgyu slid out of the table,

"Hyun wanna do something else we've been playing this game to much it's starting to freak me out,"

"Oh! Then what should we do then?"

"Something not instense? Like watch a movie?"

"Thats boring Hyung can't we do something else?~"

The younger countined to whine,


"Taehyun stop touching my hand"

"I'm sorry.."

Taehyun didn't understand the older. The older didn't want to be comfortable with him yet, it has been 10 years after they met shouldn't he warm up? Beomgyu's phone came to the rescue as he didn't wanna hear Taehyun keep complaning, 


"Hey Beom is me Soobin me and Yeonjun, are wondering if you and Taehyun wanna hang out?

"Really what are you guys doing?"

Beomgyu sat on the sofa, Taehyun sat next to him.

"YAA ! Quit touching my hand!"

"I'm sorry.."

"Are you really tho?! You've been to close to my face always Taehyun!"

Beomgyu moved once again to the other end of the sofa,

"Hello Soobin are you still there?"

"Beom, can we talk later me and Yeonjun are studying right now.'

"See you hyung,"

"Bye Beomgyu"

as he hanged up he felt the same warm and cold feeling, but it felt more warmer than usaul he looked over and for the longest time Taehyun was holding hand and observied them.

"Your hands are really pretty hyung.."


Beomgyu pulled his hand away from Taehyun and thats when in a split second Taehyun grabbed his hand to look at more,

"tAeHyun! What are you doing NOW?!"

Taehyun kissed the older's hand.


Beomgyu ran to the bathroom to wash his hands which left a sad and heartbroken Taehyun

"Stupid Taehyun I shouldn't have comed to his house! We should've stayed at mine and he would've been perfect!"

 As, Beomgyu kept talking to himself, he forgot to close the door all the way leaving a small gap and a Sad Taehyun crying outside of the bathroom. Taehyun wiped away his tears he hoped Yeonjun would come home and he can listen to his problems, Taehyun quickly fixed himself up so it looked like he didn't cry. Beomgyu exited the bathroom,

"I'm leaving,"


"Bye Hyun,"

Taehyun grabbed the olders hand, 

"Please don't go..~"

"I think I made up my choice,"

Beomgyu was smiling and Taehyun smiled with watery eyes.

"I'm leaving and not staying here any longer,"


Beomgyu slammed the door making the younger cry, as Beomgyu walked dowm the stairs of the entrance he heard heavey tears and walked home.

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Looks like yuna is calling-

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