𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏 🫧

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Love Me Fair, Please..?

Taehyun got home and instantly dropped to the floor, his body felt like nothing and after blaming his mom for a long time, for 'not loving him' Taehyun felt peace at last. He made his way to his room to see if Beomgyu left, and thankfully he did. Taehyun ran into his bed and he imagined Beomgyu right next to him, as he laid there he wanted to make sure nobody dared to take his amazing 'lover' away. 'Yeonjun must be in his room again' Taehyun knew the older was always in his room studying, the older wanted to be a sectary or just have a good job in general. Taehyun closed his eyes, he had to go to school tomorrow.

Beomgyu time 🤭

Mr. Choi Beomgyu, couldn't wrap his minde around Taehyun. Did he really have to like him? Yes, the two kissed but Beomgyu didn't feel anything. Was he being selfish? Beomgyu cared for Taehyun but he didn't understand, why? Beomgyu stared at the celling before his phone lit up the whole room, he checked his phone and saw a notification. It was Huening Kai, it felt like a thousand swords stabbed Beomgyu's heart. But why should he care? He didn't want to go to school and see Taehyun anymore or Huening Kai infact Beomgyu felt lovesick but the type to throw up tho. He wanted to get his life together so he fell asleep.



Soobin's face was right infront of Beomgyu's. He pushed the older, which made Soobin almost fall to the ground, 

"Yaa- why would you do that? Bet your boyfriend does that to a lot!"

Soobin grinned as he backed away and headed out the doorway. Looks like Beomgyu's day was gonna go down hill, moreover the door finally closed which means Soobin left for university. Beomgyu got up and put on his uniform for school, as he packed his backpack. He grabbed breakfast and ran out of the apartment to the bus stop to wait for the bus. Beomgyu took a quick glance at his phone but no notification, the bust shortly came and Beomgyu stepped on the bus and waited for his stop. In a few minutes the bus stopped and he got off. 

Time Skip 😖

Lunch was appoarching, and Beomgyu saw Taehyun sitting at a table alone so he decided to sit with him. Beomgyu walked over and sat next to the younger,  he felt his hand being held by Taehyun's hand.


But Taehyun ignored him, he moved his hand and tried to focus on his food but Taehyun was being to clingy. Taehyun touched the older's knee which made Beomgyu shiver, he raised his voice.


Still Taehyun proceeded and leaned in closer to Beomgyu, his spoon fell with a clang which distracted Taehyun. Beomgyu moved to the other side of the table and sighed, when will Taehyun understand? The older finished his food in a matter of time and got a notification from his phone, it was his cousin Yuqi. 


"Hey Taehyun! Auntie and uncle are wondering if you wanna come over and help out-"

"Listen Yuqi if someone you kinda like or not like mayeb dislike what would you?- You know?-"

"Love who you want- Taehyun I don't know how to answer your question but please come!"

 🫧Chapter Preview 🫧

"I'm Sorry"

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