𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟓 🫧

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Waffle Cone

The dread of a funeral had happen and to cheer up Taehyun, the older thought it would a nice idea to go grab icecream together. He got out his phone and glanced at the case, the baby blue case. The blue color reminded the older of him even tho Taehyun prefered yellow. Coincidentally the younger also felt having ice cream to cope, keeping his mind on his mom was hard but being near Beomgyu was harder. Taehyun slowly put his hand on Beomgyu which made the older shook for a few seconds before pulling away, Taehyun expression of joy dropped and he looked at the older. Beomgyu put his hand on his neck glancing away as he put his hand  on top of Taehyun and moving it away for a split second, the younger was a bit broken and then spoke.

"Hyung lets go out for ice cream"


The two hopped into Taehyuns car and arrvied at a place called 'Nonstop Dun Dun Icecream' (I ran out of name Ideas so I decided on ohmygirl!). The younger parked the car and joined the older and made they're way to a small shop with a bright yellow and pink sign with a cute teddy bar as the mascot, a sign was near the entrance it said "Discount on these flavors,  Chocolate, mint choco, birthday cake, dragon fruit and lastly coffee fudge brownie chocolate sugar americano. Beomgyu pointed at the sign, 

"Hyun look at the last name of the ice cream flavor!!"

Beomgyu bursted out laughing as the younger giggled, they headed inside and thats when the walls of the building stood out, they were a pastel teal and complimented the whole room. 

"Hello welcome to Nonstop Dun Dun Ice cream!"

A girl with the name tag Arin said joyfully, Taehyun couldn't take his eyes off the ice cream menu tho, the menu was taking up the whole wall behind Arin and it took up another wall near the entrance too! The menu consisted of almost all the fruits in the world and impressively a lot of candy related flavors and even some werid ones like tomato or even celery.  The two were dazed by the menu and all its glory,

"May I take your orders?"

"One cherry,"

"One vanila too please!"


Beomgyu quickly found a spot where they could sit, the ice cream shop was kinda of packed, the atmosphere was hard to describe since conversations filled the air about break ups and hardships people talking selfies and photos of the ice cream a lot of phone notifications. The place almost felt packed already, the older found a nice spot outside since everyone was having the time of their lives indoors. The sunny was shining the birds were chirping people on bikes rode past the ice cream shop and even a student was in a rush to get to school. Everthing seemed nice Taehyun came out of the shop with the ice creams in his hands and gave the ice cream to Beomgyu. The two chatted as they licked and ate the ice cream and then Taehyun finally spoke, 

"Hyung I don't feel that good I think I need to throw up..."

"I'll go with you incase you I dont know take forever,"


Taehyun threw up, the noise of Taehyun throwing up made the older feeling like he was about to throw up. The walls of the restroom where pink and the mirror looked like one that came our of a disney princess movie. Taehyun stumbled as he opended the door of the stall he fell to the floor.

"Hyung I really don't feel good can we go home.........."

A long pause enter the room and just like that the younger was unconscious.

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"Where are you taking us?!"

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