𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟎 🫧

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Taehyun was on the road as stares and concerned looks flooded Taehyun's mind. He looked and and realized he was in the most sketchy and dangerous part of the city, the concerte was filled with stains of oil and spray paint cans. He turned his head to see Beomgyu, he lashed out to grasp his hand but Beomgyu faded into thin air. Beomgyu, Beomgyu BEOMGYU all he thought was Beomgyu. He needed to go back to the flower shop, he wanted to make it up to Beomgyu. He slowly blinked and blinked his eyes Taehyun hearded the noise of a motor cycle and turned around to see Huening Kai,

"Get on they're coming"

Taehyun followed his orders and sat on the motor cycle and they rushed throught the alleys of Seoul.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be back in Shanghai?.."

"I came here because of a business trip."

Taehyun didn't want to spoil himself to much since, Huening Kai seemed a bit aerie and too strict.

"If your in a business trip then why are you here in the most shady part of Seoul?"

Taehyun saw a light flash as the sun shined through bouncing off Huening Kai's helmet. 

"Uh- How about you? Why are you in most shadey part of Seoul? 

"I have business I need to do."

"Well its the same for me. Can you drop me off at *random street name* ?"


Huening Kai parked the motor cycle and Taehyun got off and streched, then Taehyun remembered about Yeonjun and Soobin. He quickly turned to Huening Kai before Huening Kai could fully put on his helmet.

"Huening Kai, what happended to Soobin hyung and Yeonjun hyung?"

"I don't recall but we all lost touch when your aunt sent you to ShangHai."

"Oh, thanks."

Huening Kai zoomed off and Taheyun watched him as he dashed away. As Huening Kai was no longer seen, Taehyun saw his house, where he lived with Yeonjun and all the sad hopeless memories of Beomgyu not caring for his affections entered. Taehyun stood on the steps and rang the doorbell.

"Soobinne baby~ answer the door."

Soobin answered the door and his eyes almost poped, he took a breath and turned around as Yeonjun put his hand on Soobin's shoulder. 

"Hi Taehyun."

Soobin gave a small glare aiming at towards Taehyun, 

"Hi hyungs."

"What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see you guys!"

An obvious sly lie that that the younger pulled off his sleeve, his plan was to hangout with his hyungs and end up staying at there house since he got kicked out at least.

"Oh, why don't you come inside. I mean it looks cold out there,"

Taehyun Nodded and entered the house, the welcoming feeling was relieving, he looked around the furniture mostly ended up changing. The younger felt safe. He took off his shows and saw that his hyungs were in the kitchen, he saw a framed photo of them on the coffee table. Both in suits, smiling brightly as he kept wandering around the house photos of Yeonjun and Soobin seemed liked the key detail. The house felt lovey lovey dovey dovey. A ping from his phone alerted the younger he saw it and it said,


Please runaway with me instead

Chapter Preview 🫧

"Oh! Hi Beomgyu!"

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