𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖 🫧

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I Didn't Mean Too

Taehyun smiled and opended his mouth to say a word, suddenly Beomgyu closed the younger's mouth before a word came out. He leaned into the younger's face, but he quickly pulled away his. Beomgyu just stared at the younger and seprated his hand, he wanted to cry but his tears were that invisble the younger put his hand on the younger's face. Taehyun's hand felt warm and cold but started to get more warmer over time, Beomgyu hugged the younger which made Taehyun freeze as if the world as stopped, Taehyun felt tears and all of them were from Beomgyu. Beomgyu lifted his head and to show the tears coming down from his face, Taehyun wiped his tears and they stayed like that  for a few minutes. 

"Hyung... Are you ok?."

Beomgyu wiped the extra tears on his face which made his face feel like rubber, and nodded.

"I'm sorry, Hyun... but they would never understand us..."

Taehyun was confused and turned his head to the older.

"What do you mean..."

As Taehyun finished his sentence he heard the doorbell and it must've been Yeonjun or someone else let alone his dad. He got up and left to go to check out who it was, as he did, he closed the door behind him. Which made Beomgyu question what to do, since if it was Yeonjun he would think they slept together, and if it wasn't him than Beomgyu would be finished. The older thought of an idea, just stay in the room, its not like someone wants to go in, unless its actually the younger. Taehyun on the other hand grabbed the door handle and opended the door, he was quite shocked when he realized who it was it was his dad. Taehyun moved his eyes to the entrance, while his dad just stood there in the entrance, Taehyun was stunned. His dad, Jonghyun was Taehyun's dad, he was one of those parents who knew everyones else parents. He got along with a lot of different people, strangers to acquintances to friends that how he got people to know him. 

"Ah, Taehyunnie your mom is worried about you. "

The younger's mom was a intelligent woman, she spended most of her time in Soobin and Yeonjun's university she was a professor and taught finace and had a major in mathematics but she was also a strict and stren towards the younger. Taehyun's dad was a stay at home dad, even though he had a major in language arts he thought of teaching too but decided to be there for Taehyun. Taehyun "loved" his mom, but his dad was sure something, Jonghyun had a lot of things going on in his mind. Taehyun wanted to understand his dad more, but theres not a lot of time for that.

"Is mom ok?.."

"She wants to talk to you.."

'Oh great what does she want now' Taehyun was fed up with his mom she never cares and she to resentless atleast. 

"So, can you come home Taehyun?"

"I n-need to get ready first.."

"Ok, do you want me to drive you? Or are you ok on your own? Hows Yeonjun by the way?"

As expected Taehyun's dad knew Yeonjun's parents, Taehyun asked if he wanted to go inside the house, Jonghyun walked in and sat on the couch. The younger walked down the hallway and staright into his room then he made eye contact with the older.

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"You've gotta leave"

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