𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓 🫧

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Don't Waste Your Love

Taehyun opended the door of his house, the oldest manged to scare the living crap out of Taehyun. He felt his soul leave his body and he started to hit the older for scarrying him, laughs of Yeonjun and whines of Taehyun made the mood of he house sound less dead.

"Where were you Tae?"

"I visited Beomgyu hyung, his in the hospital.."

"HOSPITAL?! No wonder Soobin was so worried, he kept moving when I was trying to hug him. I KNEW IT! I knew Beomgyu would hurt himself! It was like that time he fell off his bike! Remember?!"

Taehyun sighed and nodded. Life felt hard for the younger, people and everything, how does one survie? He heard the older dial Soobin, and they started talking. The world felt like it stopped, everthing all at once stopped and Taehyun turned his head to see the older go to the door, and saw the clock tick and how the sink was still on. He blinked twice and turned off the sink and bid the older goodbye, he sat on the sofa and every momment of Beomgyu overwhelmed him. It hurts when you love someone, especially if they mean the world. Taehyun decided to pass the time by watching a movie he turned on the tv and on the first channel they were playing ghibli movies, He saw that sprited away had just started and ran to get his phone and blanket as he watched the movie he wonder how Beomgyu was. He timidly tried to stay awake,but his eyes said other wise, he closed his eyes while watching the movie and fell asleep. It was exactly 4:04 am and the door opended Taehyun instantly opended his eyes  and saw the older.

"Where were you hyung?.."

"Me and Soobin went to go and see Beomyu but he instantly fell asleep, after that me and Soobin made out-"

Taehyun wanted to roll his eyes but instead ignored the older and went back to sleep on the sofa. Yeonjun took off his shoes and went to his room leaving Taehyun on the sofa as Yeonjun took some time and thought of Beomgyu, he was sad that he was in the hospitial even tho he kinda hated him. He went to his room to freshen up. 

Soobin time 🥳

Soobin pasted the floors as he wonder for Beomgyu, the older sat on the couch moving his left to right to left and then right. Yeonjun was eating a posicle since, Soobin didn't have that much snacks.

"Bunny, its ok he'll recover soon- I hope.."

Soobin just nodded and continued  but he faced the older and spoke,

"Are you really sure about this hyung? Beomgyu is like a brother to me, I can't help but worry.."

Yeonjun put his hands on the younger and hugged him, 

"I know he'll be ok, Beomgyu's strong. He'll stay strong for us and for Taehyun"

Yeonjun wiped the tears off Soobin's precious face and hugged him once more. They countied to hug eachother until the doorbell rang and Soobin went to check who it was and was shocked when he saw,

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"Hi hyung"

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