𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖 🫧

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In My Mind

Loving someone would and always hurt Beomgyu, especially trusting someone. The older had trust issues ever since his ex Felix, (can't imagine them together but idk who 😭) would lie to him a lot when they were together. They dated over the summer, 2 months felt like nothing to Beomgyu, 'jokes' turned into lies, then laughter turned into hate. They would spend months in the librarry and Beomgyu would read his favorite quote out loud,

"Love is like a fire, you have to make sure it never goes out.."

and thats right love is like a fire, you have to make sure it never goes out. Beomgyu blinked his eyes and remember where he left off.

"So are you gone answer me?! Or were you thinking of your ex? Are you gonna comeback to me crying like last time? What do you need from me?!"

"Why... Why do you care about me?! Do you call me when you feel like it?! Do you love me when you want too?!"

Taehyun stood on the same step as Beomgyu, and the older's words struck Taehyun when he said,

"Your a no one to me, and you always will be in the back of my mind."

"Oh really? So even if I kissed you or cared, I'm still a no one?"

Beomgyu countined to walk up the stairs and he had enoughhe didn't understand what was wrong with the younger or why he acted up. Maybe that was why Felix broke up with him, was he really the aggressive? He wanted to run to his bed and as he saw the door of his apartment he heard footsteps and saw that Taehyun, looked emotionless and stared at him and started to,  walk faster and faster to the older. Beomgyu wanted to scream bloody murder right on the spot but at least had empathy for the neighbors, Taehyun dashed and held the older by the neck. Not to the point until he was gonna choke, but to the point where the older couldn't move-ish. Beomgyu forgot the younger was working out, no wonder he couldn't escape, he was a few doors close to his apartment door. But everything had to lay out in the quiet hallway, Beomgyu was pinned against the wall, it felt like the wall was crisp and the paint felt like it was flakying off or something. 

"Do you really feel this way about me? Choi Beomgyu... Do you really think i'm a nobody?"

Taehyun decided to play fair, and let go of the older's neck but he held the older's collar. The older was speechless and tried to break eye contact but it was no use, the younger's grip was impeccable. Thankful someone was coming they're way, 

"Um, exuse me what are you guys doing?"

Both of them turned there heads and saw Huening Kai in disbelief, 'He must be going back home,' Beomgyu was to astonished to process everything. Taehyun roughly let go of Beomgyu and spoke, 

"Oh we were gonna go in, how about you?.."

"I was gonna get my phone I left it in my car on accident! But i'll be back! See ya!

the older waved and dashed for his apartmen door, thankful it was unlocked.

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