𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕 🫧

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Out Of Hell

Beomgyu sighed as he woke up, as he streched, he heard a knock on the door. It slowly opended and he saw a doctor or nurse of some physician walk in. She came in, and bowed and quickly went to the sink to wash her hands after, she put on plastic blue gloves, with papers attached to a clip board. Her name tag, distracted Beomgyu it clashed with the tinted baby blue scrubs, she had on. 'Jennie Kim' was on her name tag, she grabbed a chair and placed it near Beomgyu's bed, she clicked her pen and looked up and asked.

"Ok, you must be Choi Beomgyu am I correct?"

He nodded and then Ms. Kim looked at her clip board a wrote or checked off something.

"So, this is going to be your last day here, we'll do a quick check up on you."

"DoI need to pay?.."

"No, it looks like-"

Ms. Kim fliped papers and doubled check just in case.

"Hmm.. Ah! Its already paid, but as I was saying nurse Han will be with you in a momment to finish up."

She got up and got herself together and quickly left for the next paitent, nurse Han entered and they did fairly simple stuff. Beomgyu got his thinks and he was ready to go home as he waited infront of the hospital, he saw a familar car appoarch him. The driver's side door opended and as he knew it, Mr. Kang Taehyu picked him up and they both entered Taehyun's Car. As they were almost there to Beomgyu's apartment, traffic was not their friend, it was packed. Beomgyu accidently put his hand on the younger's thigh it, the older instantly grabbed his hand off. 

"Sorry hyun, I was to distracted from my phone.."

"It's ok, you can put your hand on my thigh it..."

The light turned green and the convorsation was cut quick, the older still put his hand of Taehyun's thigh, as he continued to scroll around on his phone. They arrived at the apartment complex and Beomgyu got out, 

"Want me to walk you back?"


they made there way to the elevator which took forever and decided to take the stairs.

"How are you feeling hyung?"

"I'm feeling fine already~-.."

They made there way up to 4 floor, on the way up Beomgyu noticed how the younger was acting werid, Taehyun was going near the older. Taehyun held the older's hand and the older tugged away, walking up the stairs faster. Beomgyu heart kept beating he was starting to sweat, his brain felt like nothing in it. The younger tried again but Beomgyu instatly pulled his hand away,

"Stop it hyun... were nothing special."

Taehyun looked at the older. He pulled his arm so Beomgyu would face him,


the older was on the second step when he turned around fully,

"Thats the problem... you sacrifice TOO MUCH FOR ME HYUN. INFACT I CAN BARELY BREATH AROUND YOU NOW.."

Could he? Could Beomgyu really not breath around the younger? How in the holy world did he really feel? 

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"Your a no one to me, and you always will be in the back of my mind."

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