𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓 🫧

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Let's Play Again

Beomgyu knocked on Taehyun's door, as Taehyun opended the door he staright up hugged Beomgyu,

"Hyung stop-"

"I wanna stay like this for a few minutes.."

"Ok enough, dont make me leave hyun."

"No, please stay.."

Beomgyu took off his shoes and toke of his jacket which made Taehyun look at him.

"Hyung, lets play hide and seek but instead im always seeker!"


Taehyun turned his head to face the wall and he started to count,




Beomgyu started to panic so, he ended up hiding in a small corner.


"Where are you hyung?~.."

This time felt worser than the other time, Taehyun was sounding more innocent and yandere than normal. It started to make Beomgyu close his eyes and Taehyun voice started to intoxinate the older,

"Hyung~... Did you leave me again?~..."

the same noise as if Taehyun was dragging something scratched Beomgyu's ears. In addiction the older thought it would be a good idea to turn his head, since he was facing the wall, as he did so the younger's face was right infront of his face. The Older was so startled he gently pushed the younger away, the younger grabbed the older hand.

"Hyun, no."

The younger grabbed for the older's other hand and thats when the older was starting to build up his voice.

"Hyun. no"

Not only the younger tried for 2 of the olders hand he tried the olders hair.


Beomgyu stood up and headed for the door, however the younger blocked him.

"I don't care if you cry, you should cry me a whole ocean if you really want my love..."

The younger laughed and started to walk closer to the older, which made him back up. They kept doing this until the older hit his head on the wall, he got the younger cornered.


Perfect timing, the older thought. Finally, something to distract Taehyun but instead of caring thats when the younger leaned in and whispeared in Beomgyu's Ear,

"You like this feeling don't you?~.."

the older looked down and didn't respond,  Taehyun lifted Beomgyu's chin and said

"Look at me, you've got me cornered all these years, but I want you conered. You can cry me a ocean, river, lake, pond or even a stream, but im not letting you leave."

as Taehyun put on his serious face. The younger laughed 

"HA, what are you going to do? I'll leave when I want too, you can't force me to stay here."

"Oh, but I will. Yeonjun is staying the night over at your place, and if you wanna see them makeout every where than be my GUEST."

Beomgyu froze up, he  wanted to leave but he would rather stay here than bleach his eyes when seeing his hyungs kiss.

"Now then, i've got you slient. FINALLY-"

"But im with Yuna-"


He was right they aren't together and they will never be together. Its just for money and attention, Beomgyu swiftly switched his focus to Taehyun. It won't hurt if he tried, its just one time nothing special. Taehyun was ready, he leaned in more and kissed Beomgyu on the lips, his lips starting to move and thats when he felt his heart beating more and when Taehyun put his hands on his neck the warm cold feeling kept getting warmer and warmer  Beomgyu was bright red he was like a tomato which he hated. Beomgyu kept going and Taehyun's lips revealed his tounge and Beomgyu's tongue colided with the younger's, he put his hands on the younger's waist and they walked over to the couch and thats when- *Ding Dong*

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"I came here to visit ig-"

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