𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕 🫧

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Authors Note: Survied school and I'm crying, bleeding and losing 😭 when I got home I instantly fell asleep, i'm still having summer fever or smth 🥴 hoping to keep my grades up 😍 and not stay up writing these chaps 🤧! Love yall!

We Are One, Right?

Yeonjun hugged Soobin, the younger was always tired but his head was on the older's neck. Soobin's fluffly hair tickled Yeonjun's neck which made him laugh a bit but he tried to take a nap which ended up going to bed but Yeonjun had Soobin in his arms, instead. The pair closed they're eyes and slept they woke up holding eachother Soobin rubbed his eyes and smiled when he saw the older's face. He kissed his cheek and stretched and got up when the older tugged on his sleeve.


The younger went back down on to the bed holding the older, they stayed like that for a few minutes and Yeonjun finally opended eyes to see a cute bunny infront of him, he gave Soobin a good morning kiss which made Soobin happy. But Taehyun and Beomgyu weren't surving on they're own at this point, ever since the older stayed at his lovers house he go so upset, but it was fine. Since Beomgyu, would support him, Right? As soon as Huening kai left, Taehyun couldn't make up what the younger was going to say to him. It was 10:02 pm and Beomgyu did not wanna go back home and see 2 love birds kissing! 

"Hyun.. can I stay over for the night?"

"S-sure, where do you want to sleep? You can take my room if you want, "

"Why did I say that so embrassing" 

Taehyun uttered to himself without the older hearing, 

"How about I just sleep in your room with you?"

"Umm- Sure?"

Taehyun argeed to sleeping on the floor, while Beomgyu can sleep on his bed. That night the two were done getting ready, Taehyun set up his make shift bed and in a matter of time fell asleep. Beomgyu was happy he was sleeping in Taehyun bed, Taehyun's scent was all over the bed it smelled like vanila and lavender two things Beomgyu liked. 'No snap out of it Choi Beomgyu, You don't like him! And you never will!' he closed his eyes and his head melt into Taehyun's pillow, he couldn't wait to go home, atleast. Taehyun on the other hand felt werid, was he really wasting time on someone like Beomgyu and was it worth it? Taehyun looked at the celling should he just ditch Beomgyu forever and run to Huening Kai? He the only thing he can do is go to sleep, so he went to sleep. The next morning came around and saw he was right next to Beomgyu on his the bed,


Taehyun tried to move but the older's grip was to strong.

"Hyung let go."

"Let go? Do you want me gone?~"

The older mumbled and smiled, which made the younger neverous and start to sweat.

"I don't know, do you want me gone too?~"


Taehyun saw as the Older instantly made eye contact with him, his heart felt like it was going to explode on the spot. The older grabbed Taehyun's hand leading to Beomgyu smirk, which lead him to whispear in the younger's ear,

"Wanna play hide and seek?"

🫧Chapter Preview 🫧

Taehyun moved his eyes to the entrance.

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