𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟒 🫧

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I See Butterflies Too

The rain poured as everyone slowly brought out there umbrellas why did they have to do the funeral outside? And on a sunday too, who knew that the week would have to start off with sadness. Taehyun was in tears the whole entire time. He went up to close the door of the casket and followed the guest as they lead they're way into the building to continued. The younger sat next to Beomgyu, and continued watching towards the end Taehyun was approached by his aunt on his dad's side.

"Ah, Beomgyu how are you doing?.."

"I'm good aunt Jihyo, infact how is Ningning?"

"Shes, good sorry she couldn't come she had piano lessons-"

Beomgyu watched as he sat there when Taehyun talking to his aunt, he got up and wondered if he should check the casket, he changed his mind and sat back down. To pass some time Beomgyu decided to go to the bathroom, to freshen up in his case. He walked over past small crowds of people and when he entered the bathroom, when he was done with his  business he got and washed his hands. Somone was beside him and he continued to wash his hands, it was Soobin.

"Hyung what are you doing here?"

"Umm- what else would I be doing here? I'm just using the bathroom thats what.."


"Did you check which Taehyun, yet Beomgyu?.. I bet his still mourning his mom,"

"Actually I saw him talking to someone- it must be his aunt or someone high class..." 

The rabbit and the bear strolled out of the restroom, and the younger's eyes darted at Taehyun, both Soobin and Beomgyu listened on what the conversation was,

"I think it would be lovely if you lived with me and Ningning back home in ShangHai, I can get you a private tutor and i'll provide everything for you too!"

"But what about my mom's house? And my dad? I mean I would like to see Ningning but I think its too soon..."

"I know I know, you know how I always treat you like my own son.. I just want the best for you and I thought being near me would be a good idea.."

Jihyo was a fashion designer, she was well known for her simple yet elegant pieces and worked with a lot of inspiring people. The real reason she treated Taehyun like her son was because, her own son couldn't make it out alive and was long gone. Jihyo never despised Mrs. Kang nor hated her but never knew a woman so stern would have feelings for her offspring, Taehyun rested his hands on his aunts shoulders and spoke.

"It's ok aunt Jihyo, really its fine.."

Beomgyu looked at the older with a shocked expression on his face,

"I never knew that his aunt cared for him alot..."

"neither did I Beomgyu.. wanna see Mrs.Kang before the funeral ends."


The 2 choi's made there way to her casket without looking at her body and Beomgyu slowly cried as Soobin joined him. Taehyun appeared and held his mom hand in pure greif as tears over filled his eyes,


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"Hyung lets go out for icecream"

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