𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐 🫧

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Family Hurts

After school Beomgyu went home, to his apartment with Soobin. He took the elevator and proceeded to go to the 5th floor, when he arrvied he quickly entered through the doorway. Beomgyu gulped as he saw Huening Kai and Soobin talking together,

"Oh! Beomgyu! Huening Kai and me were wondering if you wanna go and catch a movie?-"

"I can't-"

As Beomgyu replied he was starting to not like the younger for some random reason until he chimed into the converstation.


"I have to go to my auntie and uncles place, i'll be back around 6-7. Is that alright hyung?"

Beomgyu turned his head to the eldest and was satisfied with a nod, from Soobin. Beomgyu went to his room to changed out of his uniform, he hoped that his parents weren't there, if they were there he would be in boiling water just by talking to them. He took off his shirt and looked down to see if he also would be clean cut like Taehyun, he was almost there at least. Beomgyu grabbed his t-shirt and wore some sweats, after he was done he went to the doorway to put his sneakers on and tied them up. He bid good bye to Soobin and Huening Kai and was off. As soon as he arrvied at the entrance/exit of the apartment complex, he saw Yuqi waiting for him in her car. She rolled down the window and Beomgyu saw that she was wearing a colorful hoodie with different patches on it.

"Get in the car loser, we're going shopping-"

"But you said we're going to your parents house."

"You know what I mean, just get in!"

The drive was kinda fun for Beomgyu he looked out the window of the passenger's sit and saw trees, cafes, cars and the light blue sky. They he set his eyeson his auntie and uncle's house, he remember the summers he spent with Yuqi and they getting tteokbokki and how he would laugh when Yugi couldn't handle the spicy kind. They exited the car and they entered and Beomgyu was overwhelmed by the amount of love that his auntie and uncle gave him, they had mandu and kimchi together with rice.

"So Beomgyu how's school for you?"

"It's fine-"

"We were planning that Yugi should go to your school, but the drive to there is quite a long one.."

Honestly the converstation that Beomgyu was having felt dry and lifeless, he didn't remember having a converstation this dry in a long time. Beomgyu took a slip of his water and then the door bell rang which made him instantly spit the water out. 

"Ew- "

Yuqi looked at Beomgyu in disgust, her mom answered the door and thats when Beomgyu froze and stopped breathing. The air felt thick, and heavy Beomgyu felt like he was inhaling a posionous gas or something when he heard talking, he went back to normal as if he was a light switch.

"Ah! I can't believe you guys made it! It's so good to see you guys! Your son is right over there..."

Beomgyu's auntie was brainwashed by his parents, oh how he hated his parents.He strongly disliked than for one reason only, they wouldn't and will never accept Beomgyu if he liked a guy, and that lucky guy seems to be Taehyun. The one and only Kang Taehyun.

🫧Chapter Preview🫧

"We will never accept you."

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