𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔 🫧

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Author's Note: I'm writing this on the night before the first day of school and I'm abt to poop my pants thinking abt it. 😭😜  Lowkey i'm sorry if I take a long time posting I normallay post chaps at nightime since im lazy ig idk 🤗 I'm sorry if this chap is rushed I gotta go to sleep!

Try To Stay Calm

As the two heard the door bell, both of them looked at eachother. They seprated their bodies from eachother, Taehyun opended the door and saw Huening Kai.

"Oh Huening Kai! What are you doing here?"

"I justed want to say-"

Before Huening Kai was about to finish his sentence he saw Beomgyu behind Taehyun, his eyes widen and he was going to confess to Taehyun but he couldn't since Beomgyu was there, Taehyun snapped making Hyukai startled. 

"Sorry Tae, I zoned out for a bit. I was wondering if I could hangout with you guys?"


Taehyun was pretty bummed out that Huening Kai was here, Huening kai slided off his shoes and saw instantly made eye contact with Beomgyu. Beomgyu looked at the younger and looked away, Taehyun offered if they should play video games or some entertaiment, but all 3 of them decided to play a game, it was never have I ever. Huening Kai choose to be first, following Taehyun second and the older last, 

"Ok, never have I ever liked one of the older hyungs!"

"What do you mean by older hyungs? Like bin and jun? Or?"

"Yeah bin and jun!"

all 3 of them put a finger down. It was Taehyun's turn he asked,

"Never have I ever had a crush on someone in this room."

only Taehyun and Hyukai put a finger down leaving the older. The older was confused but then it clicked to him, maybe Hyukai likes Taehyun, but Taehyun likes him. He thought of what to say and said,

"Never had I ever went to sleep while watching Sponge Bob!"

The younger put his finger down,

"Ha! Take that Huening Kai!"

Huening Kai made a cute anger face at Beomgyu which made Beomgyu laugh. Taehyun looked as the younger kept getting along, he kept on blinking but by the 5th time he blinked it felt like weights were on his eye lids which made his blinks slower and than it went back to normal.

"TAEEEEEEEEEE! Have you down it or not?"


Taehyun was to stunned he couldn't make up any words, Huening Kai told the question again,

"Never have I ever went to the convience store and saw Sunoo crying since he fought again with Jungwon about something serious."

Taehyun knew Sunoo. Sunoo would always talk to him even tho his a Junior,

"Oh yeah, I hate when Sunoo crys. Jungwon should be more nicer to him."

Taehyun was confused on what the older was saying. The older made Taehyun feel like he was in a small corner and made him feel small, Taehyun didn't understand how fake the Older was. Huening Kai also looked at the older as if he didn't knew what he was talking about, Beomgyu knew they're eyes where on him. He stood up and spoke,

"I gotta use the bathroom-"

Finally Hyukai can have a momment with Taehyun he said to Taehyun,

"Tae, I-"

🫧Chapter Preview 🫧

Yeonjun hugged Soobin as both of them cuddled.

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