𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟔 🫧

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Taehyun collasped and was on the bathroom floor, Beomgyu grabbed his phone and dialed 9-1-1 and the disapatched answered

"911 whats your emergency?"

"Hi my boyfriend collapsed in the bathroom and he has a pulse but I think he fainted.."

 "Oh, what is your location and street i'll send paramedics over,"

"i'm at Nonstop Dun Dun Icecream on bangtan street,"

"Ok where sending them over"

Beomgyu started to tear up and he noticed that Taehyun looked pale and lifeless. Suddenly a bunch of paramedics entered and dragged Taehyun out on a stretcher Beomgyu rushed out and a small crowd of the people inside the shop came outside to see the ruckus and Beomgyu hoped inside the ambulance and they were tooken away  to the 'hospital' an hour passed by and they already passed hybe hospital, Beomgyu panic and was in dismay and yelled.


No response, thats when Beomgyu knew something was up, these guys aren't going to take Taehyun to the hospital. Taehyun's heart beat was pretty normal but Beomgyu's heart beat sank to the bottom on his soul as he saw a array of trees covering some sort of structure the ambulance sirens didn't go off as they approached a gate, 'Please wake up Taehyun wake up!' the thoughts of escaping flashed before the older and the structure quickly fixated into a big mansion which clean sliver around the fencing and the roof with a dome. Beomgyu felt like he was about to puck but thats when his mouth was covered with a cloth and that was when Beomgyu collasped. 

"Has Ms. Ah known we got both of them?"

"I'll call her over.."

Walkie talkies beeps came from everywhere in this ambulance. Even tho Beomgyu passed out he still heard eveything and who was this Ms. Ah? Beomgyu was starting to lose concussion but the more he wondered the more he got tired and thats when he suddenly lost it, The ambulance was parked in a underground parking lot and the 'paramedics' took off the vest and dragged the older and youngers ties up bodies. Screams and bows entered as Ms. Ah entered the room, she was quite young and looked like she knew what she was doing, I mean shes a daughter of a chairman after all. 

"Got them?"


"Perfect, I'll tell Mr.Kim"

Ms. Ah took out her phone and dialed her step father's number, she knew she was all about her alleged brother Taehyun, but she had no intention on caring for him. Ms. As snapped herself to focus on her task, a voice on the other line was heard.

"Hello..? Yunjin do you got Taehyun right?"

"Yes, I got him..."

"I'll pay you, just keep him hostage and you can go back to your job at the daycare."

"Ok but how much and how long are you gonna come back from your vacation? I'm gonna visit mom to check on her too!"

Ms. Ah whose first name was Yunjin cut off as her step father ended the call. She bursted out in tears and distress. Why? Why did she have to do the dirty work and who was she really? Yunjin would have to end up going back to her job as if nothing happended.

🫧 Chapter Preview 🫧

"Let us go! We have nothing you want so let me and your son go!"

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