𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟗 🫧

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Once Again

The sunny greeted Beomgyu's face as he turned to face his right when he saw a soundless sleeping angel infront of him. Beomgyu blushed and mentally panicked and finally smiled as Taehyun, he got up and ruffled his hair as he saw his reflection in the mirror and headed for the kitchen. 

Time skip 😩

In a matter of time Beomgyu got ready the table and already at his kimchi rice with a soft boiled egg and headed down stairs to see if the snow died down and to open up the shop. Meanwhile Taehyun streched his arms in the air and checked his side of the bed to see if Beomgyu was right next to him, his eyes widen as Beomgyu was nowhere in his sight. He left the room quickly to see that the dinning table had a meal with a cute note on it "I'm down stairs in the shop! I love u! :D" Taehyun quicky ate his food and put on the same clothes from yesterday since he got to scared to ask Beomgyu to borrow any and headed down stairs. He hearded voices down stairs and got scarred and then remember about costumers, the faint voices of the older talking made Taehyun's heart skip a beat. Taehyun slowing but surely peeked out his head and took a step on the glossy floor. As Beomgyu bid the costumers good bye, the younger imediately locked eyes with the oldest and Beomgyu let out a smirk in return. Taehyun skipped 5 more beats and then he took a deep breath and walked on out approaching Beomgyu.

"Good morning Lovely~"

"Morning, I have to leave early see you soon.."

Beomgyu was confused, and gripped Taehyun's arm.

"Leaving now again? Really?..."

Taehyun rolled his eyes and smirked at the older, and pated his shoulder.

"I'll be back my love I just have some stones to left off my shoulders."

The younger slid a sinister grin and exited the building leave Beomgyu in disbelief as the cold air clashed with the warmth of the shop. In utter shock the older ran out of the building while seeing Taehyun hopped into a black car and drove off.

"How was your meet up with your lover sir?"

A stern cold hearted strict voice asked, snapping Taehyun out of reality, since Taehyun came from a pretty high status the younger had not only inherited his mothers mom but her rice cake company that was pretty popular among the locals. The alarming ringtone rang  in the driver and Taehyun's ears. It was an incoming call, the driver answered it and heard a sharp voice over the phone.

"Hello? Mr. Jung is Taehyunnie in the car?"


"Taehyun when are you coming back to ShangHai?"

Taehyung bobbed his head back and force gushed at him as his brain stopped thinking. His mind stopped and was cut short as Jihyo's voice cut throw like a sword.

"Taehyun, How are you and Ningning? Is Seoul treating you too well? And are you still running your mother's rice cake shop?"

The younger swallowed his fear away and cleared his throat,


"I told you, to sell the business so your dad can get out of jail."


"No buts. Just listen to me. You dont wanna end up like your mother do you?"

"How does this have tie in with my mother?! SHES DIED SHES NOT COMING BACK."

"I know Taehyunnie its just hard.."

Her comforting voice was sickening, Taehyun felt a tear roll off his face and then he unlocked the car door and opended it. Making him fall out of the car and landing on the road,

Chapter Preview 🫧

"Please runaway with me instead"

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