𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟖🫧

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It has been one whole year since the accident and Beomgyu had never saw the oldest since then Taehyun was tooken away to live with his aunt Jihyo back in Shanghai. Beomgyu had  graduation and another year had past, no Taehyun again. Maybe his new start of uni will turn out on how he wanted, but yet no Taehyun. Hours lead to days to months to years and Beomgyu still couldn't remove the boy named 'Taehyun' out of his mind. His done with his mind games his ready and he knows his is, no TAEHYUN.

5 years had passed

"Hello welcome to floral beauty how can I help you?"

The flower shop bloomed with variety it clashed with the snowy weather outside of the shop. A man entered the shop, black suit and he wore a black face mask.

"How may I help you sir?"

The clerk of the shop was a bright man, his name tag flashed a smile at people who entered the shop his name was never forgetted. Choi Beomgyu, the man in the black suit snapped out of reality and looked around the shop flowers like baby's breath, peonies and many other flowers were scattered around the shop and were on display. His mask fell off the man's face to reveal Taehyun.

"Hi... Hyung.."

The oldest came over and completely put his hands on younger's chest and neck pulling him into a kissing. As they're lips collided into one Taehyun pushed away the oldest,

"What the heck hyung?.."

"I just got you back i can't bear to see you leave me..~"

Taehyun was pinned to a table and bumped into a vase that scattered.

"Aah, sorry- hyung-"

Beomgyu let go of Taehyun and walked over to flip the open sign to closed and dragged Taehyun's hand and lead him to the break room. As time passed the older and younger kept making out as they ended they're last kiss Beomgyu's phone went off and then Taehyun's. 


Lucky Beomgyu's lived in the store since it had a second floor, they later walked up the stairs trailing its way to the entrance door. Beomgyu got his keys and looks for his house key,

"Hey hyung-"


"What happended to Soobin and Yeonjun?"

"They live together now, and Huening Kai decided to move to paris for a while since Bahiyyih is there."

The door suddenly unlocked and the oldest quicky flicked the light switch which revealed a small but cozy warm apartment. 

"Welcome to my house, take off your shoes.."

Taehyun slid off his shoes and observed the place and entered the apartment, it wasn't that small it was qutie fitting for a apartment.

"Hyung do you have a spare room or anything like that?"

"No, but the couch doubles down as a pull out bed if you'd wanna sleep on a separate bed- I mean i'm fine with that its just-"

The younger smirked and let out an airy sigh,

"Its ok hyung i'll sleep with you.."

🫧 Chapter Preview🫧

"Good morning lovely~"

(YALL THIS BOOK ABT TO END BUT 🤧 I have a 'special one coming')

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