𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟐 🫧

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Authors Note: ok first of all tysm for all your guys support and  I hope I can write better stories for yall since I couldnt bc I got lazy 🤧 anyways love yall! and thank u for baring with my lazy self.

Taehyun stared at his phone and replied,


Yes please..


Really? Do you miss me or my body?


Is that what you really think of me?


I mean I do miss hugging u and making out with you


Screw it im going to your house to have the time of my life there 


Taehyun ran out of the house, the excitement overflowed him with joy he checked his phone and the oldest messaged him saying.


I'm drive up to you~ 😏

The youngest saw a white car pull up, Beomgyu rolled down the window. While Taehyun smiled and opened the car down and sat down putting on his seat belt. They drove off, the younger put the window down as the cold breeze of air glazed his skin like mist. Oh how Beomgyu glanced a few times making his heart beat, beat faster and faster. Finally Beomgyu decide to put his hand hand on the youngers knee.

"I can touch you right?"

"Of course you can why do you need to ask?"

Who knew that the stupid author accidentally posted, as time flew by.  They had finally arrived and the air of Beomgyu's house was filled with lust smells that drew them closer and closer to the door.

"I love you.."

"Oh I know..."


The doorway was filled with both of them back to back kissing, Beomgyu cleansed the youngers neck and slowly tugged at his skin. Taehyun shut his eyes as Beomgyu devoured him whole, they fell back leaving Beomgyu on top of Taehyun. The younger slowly opended his eyes as Beomgyu sended back a stare towards Taehyun. Beomgyu leaned his face closer, but Taehyun suddenly stood up, accidentally hitting Beomgyu with his knee.

"Ow.... hyun what the heck"

"My bad I thought you knew I was getting uo"

"Well I clearing didnt know"

The older clenched his nose in pain as Taehyun quickly took off his shoes and head for the kitchen and grabbed a ice pack out of the freezer, he rushed over towards Beomgyu as blood flooded down his nose.

"Is my knee really that powerful to send you into a nose bleed?"


The older snatched the ice pack out of Taehyuns hands, and pressed it against his nose. He remember he his nose was still spilling out blood like crazy and used his sleeve to cover up his nose. The younger handed him a tissue and just like that, the two boys no gentlemen 😏😛✨
would end up living there days with happy and interesting memories. The flower shop soon became a bustling stop to pick up love and hope.

Who knew that no keeping your hands to yourself can lead to smth like this...

But seriously keep your hands to yourself 😐

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