𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎 🫧

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Taehyun said nothing to his dad, Jonghyun was busy driving anyways. The younger took this as a perfect opportunity to get to know his dad more, 


"Yes, Taehyun."

"Why do I have to go home?"

"It's your mom Taehyun, shes been sick for the past month andshe wants to see you."

'See me?' Taehyun faced his head towards the window and thought for a while, 'why would she wanna see me?' Taehyun didn't wanna see his mom. At this state it would be at least good to check up on her, they passed big buildings and ''luxary houses" the younger was so used to seeing all of this stuff. He got so off in his own mind that he forgot to communicate with his own dad. They pulled into the entrance gate to their home and the doors opended, they slowly entered and they pulled up into the drive way and Jonghyun immediately got out of the car following Taehyun. The door opended and they got inside and took off their shoes, Taehyun felt like throwing up as he saw the classy furniture all around the living room area. Tho, it made him feel sick going back home all the tragic memories of his mom filled his brain like how you would fill a glass with water. The younger slowed his steps as he walked up the stairs, he doesn't remember the stairs to be shorter, since Taehyun was little he was always go down the long staircase. He took two deep breaths and made his way to his parents room, Taehyun reached his hand for the door nob, but he stared and everything went to him all at once he remember his tragic memories (that will be more revealed in the story 😉) and took two more breaths and twisted the handle and walked in.


Taehyun's mom was pale, like pale as in sickning she was gasping for air and decided to have her last momments in her home. The wall of the room was covered with acheivements and certificates, important things Taehyun's mom wanted to see before she would let go. A empty chair was right next to his mom, the younger slowly walked his way to the chair and sat down, 

"Taehyun...I'm sorry I couldn't love you enough.."

She coughed and gasped for air. Jonghyun jumpedup and shouted

"Min Young!! ARE YOU OK?!"

"I'm fine..its ok.. how about you leave, I wanna talk to my son."

Jonghyun noddded and left.

"Taehyun... I know I was harsh... and I want you to love someone to make up for me not loving.. you.."

Taehyun felt his eyes tear up, even tho his mom would yell at him and have fights would his dad it still ment the world, that she cared for him.

"Mom, I like a boy... are you ok with that?"

Taehyun was neverous and was shaking, he hoped his mom would understand.

"I don't care Taehyun"

The younger's eyes widen as if they where dialated with eye drops or something.


"Love whoever you want... us humans can't controll eachothers lives, and in the end.. stay with Beomgyu ok?.."

Taehyun was shook, he looked at his mom as she faked being diseaed.


"I'm joking with you.."

Taehyun hugged his mom and walked away saying 

"I'll be back for you mom.."

 🫧Chapter Preview 🫧

"Love who you want-"

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