Chapter XII

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Abdul's POV

"Son you look happy. Anything you want to share with the table?", mother asked.

It was one of the traditional weekend lunches that we have been having for years. I was not attending all of them but I did every once in a while because it was the only time I could see all of my siblings in one place.

I thought of just remaining quiet like I usually did but that was not me anymore. Besides Amira, Zahra and Father already knew why I was the way I was.

"I have a girlfriend", "What?", Layla asked trying to hide the shock she had. "Is that so? Is it someone we know?", Inaya asked. "Honey, I think we should let him tell us at his own pace", Saad told his wife.

He was a quiet guy but never a pushover. They fought once something about mother deciding things for them and he was so furious, he broke a door when mother told Inaya to lock him out and ask for a divorce.

Inaya apologised a million times plus promising not to tell mother anything about their marriage again, Saad agreed to hold her to the promise and there has been peace ever since.

Despite my Sister pretending to be Mother's loyal servant, she was head over heels when it came to Saad.

"Yes, you do. You all do actually. It's Nikki Edwards", I said with an innocent smile. "You can't be serious. That girl again!", Mother said standing up, she looked furious and I didn't care.

"Fatima, please sit", Father said with a warning tone. She sat quickly. "Son, I'm happy for you. We haven't seen that smile in years. I'm happy you found each other again, she is a keeper if you ask me", Father said as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Father, that woman is toxic, she almost broke our family", Inaya said. "And what did you do to help your brother when he was broken and needed his older sister to help him cope with the almost broken family?", father asked and I watched Inaya bow her head in shame.

"I believe that everyone has the right to be with the one they love. Abdul... if Nikki makes you happy then be with her. You are a grown man and I believe we have taught you all that you need to know to protect your heart", "Hafeez!", mother said but when her eyes met father's, she remained quiet.

We finished our lunch, then went to Amira's. She had been away for business for a while, she was handling the drinking water company that father also started and gave it to her.

"So, how's life with Nikki?", "It's good, it feels right", I said falling on the fluffiest sofa she had. I was addicted to it.

"Uncle Abdul!", my niece and nephew said running into the living room. "Hello, guys... how are you?", I said while tickling them. "Abdul, if they pee on my favourite carpet you will clean it up. I mean it", Amira threatened so I had to stop.

A few minutes later Zahra came in and their attention turned to her. Zahra and Aziz were not blessed with a child yet.

I knew my sister wanted kids, she loved kids but sadly it has not happened for them yet. I knew with time they will. I just hoped that they were able to endure each other until then.

"Hey man! How's fatherhood?", Aziz asked me, making me smile. "Well, Nat and Nate still love me, so I guess I haven't messed up yet", my reply made him laugh.

"How is she?", I asked. It was something that I wanted to ask for a while now. I knew they were trying to get pregnant and that my sister was having a hard time, especially with the way she was so close to Nikki's kids.

The only problem was, Zahra liked to keep things to herself. In the past, she used to open up to Nikki but I could tell they were not at that point yet.

"It's tough. She won't talk to me about it. I have tried man. I don't know what to do anymore", he looked sad, like he was giving up.

"Hey, I'll talk to her", "No! Please, she'll get even more pissed. She doesn't want you guys to know", "Don't worry, she won't know. I will use my own ways". He nod his head in agreement.

My phone rang, it was Nikki. I went into one of the rooms to pick it up. "Hi babe", "Hi... I haven't heard from you in a while so I was just checking on you". "Fuck! I'm sorry babe work just got the best of me and I had to come to the family house for dinner. I'll pass by later ok?", there was silence and I knew she was wondering if I told my family about us.

"Babe, everything is ok. I promise", she released a breath. "Ok. You would tell me if it didn't go well right?", I chuckled. "Yes I would babe. I promise", "Ok, see you later", she said then hung up.

I was about to leave the room when mother entered. "Abdul, can we talk?", that was code for I'm going to talk and you're going to listen.

"Of course", I sat on one of the armchairs while she sat on the coffee table. "Abdul, you know that everything I do is for your own good right? Including choosing a wife for you? Layla has been nothing but patient with you. Do you think this is fair to her?".

"Mother. I didn't bring her here. You did. I didn't promise her a husband, you did. So tell me how is this any of my business?". I knew I was pressing her buttons but I was not going to sit back and let her say anything bad about my Nikki. She's my everything.

"Abdul, I understand that you have history with her. But she is not right for you. Do you know that her family disowned her because she got pregnant before marriage?", "I know that Mother".

"And yet you accepted? Why would you take care of another man's child?", "It's her children mother", "Abdul please tell me you see how insane this is. You're too young to be a father. You have your whole life ahead of you, come on", she was begging at this point.

"What did she ever do to you mother?", my question surprised her. "What do you mean?", she looked genuinely confused. "What did Nikki do to make you hate her this much?", "You wouldn't understand", she said wiping a tear away.

"Mother, I love Nikki. Yes... I love her and her kids too", my answer made her angry, I could see her hands trembling.

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