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"Morning Izzy" my sister Brynn said giving me a soft smile as she sees me come down the stairs.

"Morning Brynn" I reply returning the smile.

Brynn was already dressed for work in matching pink scrubs with a matching pink scrunchy. You see, my sister Brynn is a doctor. I moved in with her after my parents passed away last year. I usually go to work with Brynn and sit in her office when she's with patients, sometimes the receptionist lets me help her with whatever she's doing though.

"You ready to go we're leaving in about 10 minutes" she said softly

"I'm ready" I reply picking up Ellie which was my stuffed elephant.

Ellie went everywhere with me there's no where I would go without her, she helped me feel comfortable and safe

"Oh Iz, I wanted to talk to you about something before we leave" Brynn said sitting on the couch

"Ok" I reply as I went and sat beside her.

"Izzy I think it would be a good idea if you got a quick checkup today, your due for a few vaccines and haven't had a full physical in a while" she said making me freeze.

"N no Brynn please don't make me" I whimper.

"Isabelle I'll be very gentle I promise, I just want to make sure your nice and healthy and then the vaccines will help me make sure you stay healthy" she said softly.

"Brynn" I whimper

"I'm sorry Izzy your not getting the choice hun, Layla will be there too" she said softly

Layla was Brynn's nurse, she was fun and always made me laugh and kept me company when my sister was with patients.

"You ready to go I don't want to be late" she said grabbing her car keys.

"Yeah I guess" I say nervously standing up cuddling Ellie.

We left the house and got into my sisters car. She drove to her office and it was a very short ride, a little too short. We got out of the car and my sister grabbed my hand and we walked into the office and Layla was at the front desk.

"Morning Brynn, Morning Iz" she said giving us a soft smile

"Morning Layla" my sister said on behalf of both of us.

"Hey Layla at some point today could you possibly get Isabelle's height weight temperature and blood pressure, I have her in for a physical at the end of the day it'll just be easier on us if that stuff is done before hand" Brynn said.

"Yeah absolutely, we could go ahead and do that now if you wanted" Layla replied handing my sister a file for the first patient that was already in the room

"That would be amazing thanks, ok Iz you be good and I'll see you after ok" my sister said softly like she always did making me nod.

My sister my doctorWhere stories live. Discover now