Carly's appointment

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I did not want to be here I didn't want a checkup I didn't want shots I wanted nothing to do with this whatsoever. I hid under my moms chair in a complete breakdown state. Brynn and Carson came back and I felt my whole stomach drop.

"Ok Carly your up" my mom said sympathetically

"I don't wanna" I cry

"I'm not going to hurt you princess" Brynn said

"I I can't" I cry gripping onto the legs of the chair

"Sweetheart wanna come out so we can talk" Brynn said softly as she knelt in front of the chair.

I nervously peaked my head out and my face was all tear stained.

"Wanna come all the way out princess" she said softly standing up and giving me her hand.

I crawled out taking her hand to pull myself up off the floor.

"Can you tell me what's bothering you princess" Brynn asked

"I don't want shots" I cried

"Oh honey is that what this is about? The shots" she asked becoming sympathetic making me nervously nod

"Chloe was teasing her in the car" My mom said

"I was only kidding" Chloe sighed

"I did check and you do need some but I can go really fast, you'll barely even feel them if you stay still" Brynn said softly

"Promise" I whimper nervously

"Yes I promise" she said encouragingly

"Wanna come on back" She asked softly

I nervously followed her back to a room and she closed the door behind us. I looked over at the table and back at her nervously

"Your ok hun" she said softly as she picked me up and sat me on the table

"I don't want to be here" I cry

"Carly I'm not going to hurt you princess everything will be ok" she said softly as she grabbed a thermometer

She stuck it in my ear and checked my temperature before putting something on my arm

"We're just going to check your blood pressure it'll just be a tight hug" Brynn explained softly as she stuck her stethoscope on my arm and started making the thing on it tighter.

She took it off my arm hanging it back up and grabbing something else

"Alright hun we're going to check your ears nose and throat quickly" she said before sticking her tool in my ear and looking through

She did the same to my other ear before checking my nose

"Can you open your mouth for me" she asked grabbing what looked like a popsicle stick

I hesitantly opened my mouth and she looked down my throat before letting me close it again

"Your doing so good hun we're almost done" she said encouragingly

I nodded nervously as she grabbed what looked like a hammer

"We're gonna just check your reflexes now hun" she said softly before gently tapping my knees making them kick

"Alright lay down for me and we'll finish off the last 2 things" she said softly

I hesitantly laid down and she started feeling my stomach.

"We're almost done princess" she said softly before pulling me so I was laying at the edge of the bed before going and grabbing a tray from her desk.

"Please no shots" I whimper sitting up

"I'm sorry sweetheart we have to do these but I'll go quick" She said pushing me back down making me sit up again

"Carly we are doing these in your thighs princess I need you to lay down for me" She said sympathetically

"No" I whimper nervously

She went over to the door opening it and sticking her head out

"Jonah can you give me a hand" she said before coming back in the room with her husband right behind her

"Alright hun can you lay back down for me" she asked softly

"I don't want shots" I cry

"Hey Carly your ok hun she won't hurt you, this can be nice and quick you have to lay down and let her do this" Jonah said softly

I whimpered nervously laying down and he came over to me grabbing my hands and holding them above my head as I felt Brynn clean off both of my legs. My breathing started getting heavier as i started panicking

"Carly your ok hun just try and take some steady breaths for me" Brynn said softly as she uncapped the first needle

I tried steadying my breathing by taking big deep breaths as Brynn poked the first needle in my leg making me whine

"Your ok hun" she said softly taking it out before poking in the next one

I tried to squirm away but Jonah was keeping the top half of my body still as Brynn kept my legs still by standing right up against them. I cried through the last 2 before she stuck bandaids on my legs letting me sit up

"I'm sorry baby but you did so good" Brynn said sympathetically

She grabbed a lollipop and stickers from her desk coming back over and handing me them as she helped me off the table and brought me back to my mom and siblings. That wasn't fun and I never want to go through that again

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