Izzy and Brynn's flu shots

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"Alright which one of you guys want to go first" Jonah asked

"I think you should do Izzy's first i know how she is so i can try and help keep her still for you" Brynn said picking me up

"Brynn no" I whimper

"You'll be ok princess" she replied

"I don't know about this" I whimper nervously

"He'll be gentle trust me" she said sitting on the table holding me tight in her lap

"Brynn I think she'd feel more comfortable if you did it I don't know how to deal with scared kids that much" Jonah said

"You've got this she'll be good" Brynn said watching me whimper in her arms.

"Izzy he's just going to clean your arm and do this real quick ok once it's done we'll go get a treat" Brynn said softly

"Ok" I whimper nervously

"You'll be ok I promise" She said encouragingly

She held me tighter as Jonah wiped my arm off and squeezed onto it tightly

"Just a quick pinch hun" he warned before poking it into my arm making me whine

"Your good princess" Brynn said.

He took it out putting a bandaid on and I clung to my sister.

"Was that so bad" she asked making me nod

"I'm sorry hun" Jonah said

"It ok" I reply getting off the table


I feel so bad for my little sister cause she isn't used to Jonah as a doctor and she probably doesn't like him much anymore. Izzy got off my lap and jumped off the table and I knew I was the last one left.

"Do I need to go through this with you too" Jonah smirked

"Haha very funny" I sigh

"Good so you should be nice and easy" he replied grabbing the tray

"Yeah easy sure" I say nervously

"Just gonna wipe your arm off first" he said softly as he rolled up my sleeve and wiped my arm

I whimper nervously and he can tell I just got super nervous and tensed

"Babe I need you to relax your arm for me" he said

"That's harder then it seems" I say hesitantly

"I know but if you don't it's going to hurt and I don't want to hurt you my love" he said

I gulped trying to relax as much as I could but was shaking

"Your alright" he said gripping onto my arm keeping it still

I closed my eyes tight immediately feeling him poke the needle in making me whimper softly

"Your doing great" he said softly before taking it out and putting a bandaid on

"I think we all deserve treats what do you guys want" Jonah asked

Izzy and Amara looked at each other right before both saying ice cream so we did indeed go for ice cream I think we all did very well too deserve it

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